World Elephant Day 2019: Date, Importance, Celebration, Threats And Solution

World Elephant Day 2019: Date, Importance, Celebration, Threats And Solution

            World Elephant Day 2019 Date, Importance, Celebration, Threats Solution: Every year the World Elephant Day falls on 12th August. This is to notice the urgent plight of Asian and African elephants and also for finding out different ways to protect them. The main objective of the day is to create awareness among people about the need for preservation.

Although the elephants are very much loved by the generation the situations are alarming as the elephant population is heading towards total extinction. World Elephant Day is to inform all organizations about the threat that the elephant population is currently facing. There have to be some steps taken to protect them. The reason behind this is not only poaching and habitat loss but also due to the negligence of people about all the threats elephants have to bear. One of the biggest threat to them is the animal ride.

Importance of the Day

This day makes people realize the need for better protection of the wild animals, elephants and also to improve the illegal poaching and trade of Ivory. Moreover, the better treatment of captive elephants is also included. It is a matter of great appreciation that around 65 organizations around the world celebrate this day.

How Day is Celebrated?

The best way to celebrate this day is to educate yourself and people about the facts and threats related to this magnificent animal. Social media can prove as a very good medium to aware people about the problems the elephants face and it is necessary to raise issues. Moreover, some people watch documentary so as to learn about the living of this animal and how they are heading towards the complete extinction. You can also donate in foundations who are against the illegal poaching or who relocates them to situations that better suited their needs.

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There was a program started named as MIKE which is Monitoring the Illegal Killing of Elephants to stop killing the elephants. The program was established by the International Trade Convention in Endangered species of wild flora and fauna by resolution 10.10 adopted at the tenth conference of the parties in 1997. There are around 28 sites involving in the program for 13 countries.  The sites are Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand, and one site each in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.

Problems and the Solution 

The threats are poaching, human-elephant conflict,  mistreatment in captivity and elephant riding.

Solutions are work for the protection of wild animals. We can think of ways for improving the illegal trade of Ivory and conserving the habitats of the elephant. Whenever it gets appropriate then reintroduces captive elephants into the natural habitat.

Certain facts about African Elephants

  • The population of total African elephants is around 415,000  in the wild.
  • Shoulder height is 11 ft and the weight of each elephant is 6 tonnes.
  • The scientific name of the elephant is Loxodonta africana.
  • Length of the elephant is around 19 ft to 24 ft.

There are also two species of African elephant the Savanna or bush elephant or the Forest Elephant. Savanna elephants are quite larger than the Forest elephants. Forest elephants are darker and also their tusks are straighter and it points straight.

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About the Author: Erin Phan

Astha Sharma Is the content writer who always passionate about her work and always try to give the best. She is keen to learn new things and implement them honestly. She has good experience in Content writing and can write in each and every topic in detail.

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