A partial lunar eclipse is going to take place on 16 and 17 July in several parts of the world which will also include India. Apart from India, the partial lunar eclipse is also going to be witnessed in most regions of Asia and Europe, Africa, Australia, as well as South America.
For the first time, after 149 years, the Chandra Grahan (lunar eclipse) is going to happen together with Guru Purnima which will be held on 16 July. Guru Purnima is basically a festival celebrated by Hindus and Buddhist al around the world where the devotees pay their respect and devotion to show their gratitude to their spiritual and academic teachers.
As per to the reports, it is going to be the last lunar eclipse of 2019. The partial lunar eclipse is going to be visible from the start to end from all places of India apart from the extreme north-eastern part of Arunachal Pradesh.
A lunar eclipse is a natural phenomenon which occurs when the Earth in course of its orbit around the Sun, comes in the middle of the Moon and Sun in such a manner that Moon is hidden in the shadow cast by Earth. This can only happen when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are accurately or very closely aligned, with Earth in the middle of the other two. A lunar eclipse can take place only on the night of a full moon. The type and length of a lunar eclipse be determined by the Moon’s closeness to either node of its orbit.
Lunar Eclipse 2019
This year in 2019, the Moon is going to come into penumbra on July 17, 2019, at about 12:12 AM, according to the reports, while on the other hand, it will exit from penumbra at 5:49 AM. Then the Moon is going to enter umbra at around 1.31 am and at 4:29 AM, it will come out of the umbra shadow. The extreme eclipse is going to be seen at around at 3 am.
The time duration of the umbral phase is going to be 2h 58m 45s, while the period of the penumbral phase is going to be 5h 37m 24s.
Arvind Paranjpye, who is the Director, Nehru Planetarium of Mumbai, said that as this eclipse is taking place in the monsoon season, because of which it is mostly possible that hide and seek play might take place of the celestial sight.
As per to the Eclipse wise, the following lunar eclipse is going to happen on 10 Jan 2020, which will be followed by three other more in the similar year. On the other hand, this is going to be a penumbral lunar eclipse and not the same as the coming partial lunar eclipse. From a similar source, the following total lunar eclipse is going to be witnessed on 26 May 2021 whereas the succeeding partial lunar eclipse happens on 19 November 2021.
Another Lunar Eclipse also is known as a total lunar eclipse happens when earth completely blocks direct sunlight from reaching the Moon. The only light redirected from the lunar surface has been diverted by Earth’s atmosphere.