Islamic New Year 2019: Hijri New Year Date, Significance, Celebration, Wishes & Images

Islamic New Year 2019: Hijri New Year Date, Significance, Celebration, Wishes & Images

                Islamic New Year 2019 Date, Significance And Celebration: All the Muslims are presently prepared for celebrating the new year festival. The Islamic new year celebration will be starting on Tuesday by all the Muslims across the world. The day marked the first day of the year 1440 of the Hijri Calendar. This new year celebration is not widely known. The celebration of Eid-Al-Adha stays in the limelight hiding the celebration of Hijri New Year. The festival of Eid-Al-Adha marks the culmination of the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca.

This day marks the blessings which Abraham received from Allah for sacrificing his son on the order of God. It is still a significant celebration for all 1.8 billion Muslims around the globe. Around 3.5 million Muslims live in America and thus America will definitely observe a grand celebration on the occasion of the Islamic new year. The Americans will be celebrating the day with the other millions of believers there.h

Here in this post, we have provided you with many things like the significance of the Islamic New Year and the celebration. Here are the major points to know about the Islamic New Year.

Date of Hijri New Year

The first day on which the Hijri new year and also the month of Moharram begins is named as Al-Hijra. Every year this date changes on the Gregorian calendar which is the most commonly adopted calendar to which Americans and most of the world adheres to. The Islamic calendar is totally based on a 30-year cycle which consists of 11 leap years of 355 days 19 years of just 354 days as compared to the 365 and 366 days year of the Gregorian Calendar.  Last year the day was observed on September 21 but this year the celebration will fall on 11th September.

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Islamic New Year 2019: Hijri New Year Date, Significance, Celebration, Wishes & Images

Celebration of the Islamic New Year

All Muslims make new resolutions on this day and shares their best wishes with their loved ones. This is in the same way as we do at the start of the Gregorian new year on January 1st.

There is one more thing to focus on this day and that says the celebration is majorly different for both the sections of Islam Shiites and Sunnis.

Shiites Celebration

Shiites celebrate first 10 days with mourning on the slaying of the first cousin of Prophet Ali Mohammad and his only grandson Hussein Ibn Ali, who they see as the rightful caliphs to succeed their prophet. This killing which took place on 680 C.E. has marked the historic split between Shiites and Sunnis.  This year they will experience 10 days mourning and fasting. Finally, they will experience a holiday called Ashoura.

Islamic New Year 2019: Hijri New Year Date, Significance, Celebration, Wishes & Images

Sunnis Celebration

For all Sunnis, the celebration is a low key one. On this day they go to the mosque with their family and prays for the good life and celebrate the new year with immense gratitude. The places where the majority of Muslims live will be observed as a public holiday.

When did this Hijri Calendar start?

Although Arab tribes used a related calendar before the Prophet Mohammed, thus the new Hijri Calendar was retrospectively started which was based on the year 622 C.E.

Islamic New Year 2019: Hijri New Year Date, Significance, Celebration, Wishes & Images


Islamic New Year 2019 Wishes, Images, Quotes & Messages

May all the praises and thanks be to Allah to whom belongs all that is in heavens and in the earth. Have a blessed Muharram.

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Wishing you and your family a New Year full of peace, happiness, and abundance of all. May Allah bless you throughout the new year. Muharram Mubarak!

Islamic New Year 2019: Hijri New Year Date, Significance, Celebration, Wishes & Images

Wishing you & your family…
New Year full of
peace, happiness, and abundance of all…
May Allah bless you through out the new year.

Happy new year all muslims.I pray this year surpasses previous years in blessing and success.amin.

Jzakallahu..May we witness the best of a new hijira year,
In shaa Allahu .

Allah talah aap ko
hazaroon khushiyan ataa karay
aur aap per rehmatain nazil fermaye.

Today’s Sunset Is
D Last Sunset Of Dis Islamic Year
I Pray Dat All Ur Worries Set Down With Dis Sunset
New Beem Of New Year Spread Happiness In Ur Life

Islamic New Year 2019: Hijri New Year Date, Significance, Celebration, Wishes & Images

As The year 1436 is gonna be an End
And We’ll Enter in New Year
With New Hopes and Plans
Lets Pray to Allah for
A Blessed and Wonderful
New Year with Peace and
All our Dreams Come True

Today’s Sunset Is
D Last Sunset Of Dis Islamic Year
I Pray Dat All Ur Worries Set Down With Dis Sunset
New Beem Of New Year Spread Happiness In Ur Life

I wish you the “ISLAMIC YEAR”.

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About the Author: Erin Phan

Astha Sharma Is the content writer who always passionate about her work and always try to give the best. She is keen to learn new things and implement them honestly. She has good experience in Content writing and can write in each and every topic in detail.

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