These Are The Top 5 Best MMO Games Of 2019 You Need To Try Now!

These Are The Top 5 Best MMO Games Of 2019 You Need To Try Now!

             Best MMO Games of 2019: MMO stands for massively multiplayer game. These games all about sprawling and servers. All the games have intense multiplayer mode which will help you in playing with other players online from different parts of the world. The user has the option to select local or international service based on his preference. These real games are loved by professional players. You need time, commitment, and focus to play and win these games. We have listed the best MMO game of 2019. They can be downloaded on the PC for various gaming consoles if available.

Best MMO Games of 2019

1. World Of Warcraft

World Of Warcraft was released back in 2004 and is still considered as one of the best MMO games. It is free to play until you reach level 20. Post that, you will have to pay monthly subscription fees. The game has a unique storyline which makes it attractive and has a consistent player base. It is also categorized under the RPG section. Hence, you can protect how amazing the gameplay will be. You can try out this game on your PC and then think of purchasing the premium version.

2. Planetside 2

Planetside 2 is another amazing game which is added in our list of best MMO Games. It is a very intense game which has to be played with consistent focus. The players are divided into three fractions and you can select yours. All these fractions are in a constant state of War during the entire course of the game. the player has to make his own strategy and either defend his base or attack the enemy is base along with his team. Hence, cooperation among all the player is very important. The game can be played either on PC or PlayStation 4. Moreover, it is absolutely free to download and play.

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3. Secret World Legends

Secret world legends is another game which we have added to our list of best MMO games of 2019. It is an amazing game which has a complete storyline. The game has been designed in a parallel world which is full of mythological characters and creatures. It has over 100 hours of storytelling. The player can move around the world on a map and choose his or her own missions. All the missions are equally adventurous and fun to play. The basic motive of the player is to understand different mythology is in the world. It can be downloaded and played for free on the PC.

4. Guild Wars 2

Guild War 2 is a multiplayer fighting game which can be played between two people. It is an amazing game where you can enhance your fighting skills. All you need to do is download the game and set up your character. You can choose to practice in the game or play a multiplayer match. The power and level of the character increase as you proceed in the game. The game can be played on PC or PS4. It is initially free to play but requires a subscription after a point of time.

5. Elder Scrolls Online

Elder scrolls online are the last addition to our list of best MMO games of 2019. There is no doubt that elder Scrolls comes in the priority list when we talk about multiplayer games. However, gamers are quite disappointed because the new version of the game is yet to arrive from years. It is expected that Elder Scrolls 6 will be releasing soon. Until then, you can play Elder Scrolls online and enjoy. The best part is that it can be downloaded on various platforms like PC, PS4, or Xbox One, and some other gaming consoles. However, the game is not free to download.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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