The US Scientists Have Invented A Camera Which Can Detect Camouflaged Objects

The US Scientists Have Invented A Camera Which Can Detect Camouflaged Objects

                  The US scientists have invented the compact camera which can capture polarised light, used in the study of atmospheric chemistry and used to detect camouflaged objects.

Polarization is a process in which the direction of vibration of light can be found. This phenomenon of light cannot be seen by human eyes has it is a very rapid movement. However, it is visible to some lenses and insects. Learning the direction of vibration of light can help in finding out a lot of things. It provides a lot of information about the objects which it interacts with.

Cameras that can capture polarised lights are currently used to find out the materialistic stress, enhance contrast for object detection, and also identify the surface quality of dents and scratches.

The invented cameras are about the size of a thumb and it usually finds application in automobiles, flights, and satellites which are involved in the study of polarized light for detection of camouflaged objects.

Polarisation is a phenomenon of light which changes its direction after reflecting from a surface, said one of the researchers from the team. It can be used to find out the depth and other features of the 3D reconstruction of this object. It is very effectively used to distinguishing between man-made products and those which are natural. It can easily distinguish the products even if they have the same size, color, and other features.

The researchers furnished the potential of metal surfaces in order to unlock the powerful world of polarization. Metal surfaces are nanoscale structures which interact with the wavelength of light. The picture must be taken from various directions in order to find out the complete features of the polarization of light at a particular surface. This is an important point which is always taken into consideration by the researchers.

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Earlier, devices used moving parts or Sent light along with multiple parts for acquiring multiple images, which caused bulky optics. This process was not completely accurate as the complete polarization state could not be studied. Moreover, it requires a non-standard image sensor.

All the new optics have been taken into consideration in this compact device along with a metal surface. According to multiple reports, the device is just two centimeters in length and is no more Complex than a normal camera found in smartphones. The device age of the size of a small lunch box when integrated with its lens and other protective cases.

Multiple real-time tests were carried out to find out how the polarization camera can visualize a 3D object. Selfies and other pictures of the windshield of a car were taken to find out the same. It is a really great invention and the size is very very small and portable.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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