Nelnet Student Loan Servicing: Reviews, Consolidation & Guide

  Nelnet, one of the largest students loan provider in the nation is no overnight star. You might have been hearing their name for a long time now. It services both private and federal students loan. Nelnet is supposed to be the largest federal loans servicer in the US. Hence, we are going to review Nelnet student loan servicer.

Nelnet Student Loan Servicer Review

Nelnet’s official website is easy to navigate and well built. You can find almost all information about the company on the front page itself. The front page is well divided into grids. These grids explain the features of Nelnet. You will also find the testimonials there. They offer decent service of students loan.

However, there have been 343 cases on Nelnet in the past 2 years. The most common complaint has been about the product and service offered by Nelnet. Besides, there have been complaints related to billing and repayment too. While some claims that additional fees were added, others claim that the system shows the loan of some period to be a default, even after making payments.

Hence, it is always recommended to all students taking any students loan, to keep a separate file for loans. Put the receipt in the file each time you pay the installment. You will thereby have proves to get through in case of any fraud or technical glitch.

Features of Nelnet Student Loan

1. Payment

The reason why most people love Nelnet is it’s easy and convenient Payment method. You can pay back the loan as per your convenience. The most loved option is group Payment. If you like, you can get rid of high-interest installments in the early stage. Hence, the Service related to Payments is simple and easily accessible.

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2. Personalized Alerts

Do you find it difficult to remember your loan repayment dates? Don’t worry Nelnet has an amazing offer for all people. Nelnet provides an auto-pay feature which is known as kwikPay. Once you set this up, the loan is automatically deducted from your bank account on the date of payment. Besides, you also receive text messages and emails regarding the payment reminder. So no need to worry about the payment date failure.

3. Deferments and Forbearance

In case you are unable to repay the amount due to some financial constraints just go to the website and select deferment and forbearance option. Using this option you can postpone your payments and reschedule them. This makes your Federal loans easy to handle, thanks to Nelnet.

4. Save Tax

Most students are unaware of the fact that they can save up to $2500 on tax every year. The government allows tax rebate to those Paying students loan. However, you need proper documentation to prove that you are repaying the students loan. Nelnet understanding your needs and come with a tool which automatically gives you the printout of all the documents required to save tax.

5. Get knowledge

Nelnet has an online library to educate the about Personal Finance. So get knowledge about personal finance other than just repaying the loans. There show worksheets for balance sheet management and also teach how to save don’t and to be aware of roads and theft.

Choosing alone service is not in your hand. The federal length directly or points of servicer for your loan. Nelnet is one of those 10 servicers, serving under the federal loans. They also have centers to educate you about the loan repayments and Management. So if you have any difficulty in understanding the repayment structure including taxes you can any day approach them. Nelnet is completely trusted and has served more than 5 million people till date.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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