Memorial Day 2021 Quotes, Sayings, Messages, Greetings, SMS, Poems: Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States which is celebrated every year in order to remember and honor people who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
The holiday is basically observed on the last Monday of May every year and in the previous year, the day was held on May 28, 2018. In the United States, Memorial Day is considered to be the unofficial start of the summer vacation season, while on the other hand, Labor Day marks its end on the first Monday of September.
About Memorial Day
Memorial Day commemorates Men and Women who died while in the Military Service of their Country, particularly those Who Died in the Battle or as the Result of Wounds sustained in the War. Memorial Day formerly Decoration Day in the United States of America honors those who have died in the Nation’s War. Every year it is Celebrated on the last Monday of May. It was Originated During the American Civil War when citizens placed Flowers on the Groves on those who had been killed in the Battle. The Aim of Memorial Day is to Memorialize the Veterans who have made their Ultimate Sacrifice for their Nation. People spend their time remembering those who lost their lives and unable to Come Home Reflecting on their Service and have luxury and freedom to enjoy. Traditionally On Memorial Day, People visit cemeteries and Memorials and volunteers Often Place the American flags on each grave site at National cemeteries.
When is Memorial Day 2021 this year?
This year in 2021, Memorial Day is going to fall on Monday, May 31, 2021.
Is Memorial Day and Veterans Day are the same?
One must remember that Memorial Day is way different than Veterans Day as Veterans Day is observed in order to honor the heroism of the American soldiers and their contribution to world peace. While on the other hand, Memorial Day is observed to remember and honor people who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
How to express your gratitude on Memorial Day?
In order to express the noble Memorial Day sentiments and feelings, one thing you must remember that this is the time to honor those who gave their lives in service to our nation. That is why you should not thank the living veterans on Memorial Day but in order to show your respect, you can commemorate their fallen comrades in arms, friends, and family.
Well, “Happy Memorial Day” seems to be inappropriate or unsuitable as per to the idea and theme of the day, so you can show your respect to the families and friends of the fallen ones in the following ways:
- I remember and deeply appreciate the crucial sacrifice [name of a fallen hero] made.
- I share your tremendous loss and offer my sincere thankfulness for [name of a fallen hero] service.
- I hope you have a pleasant time with your family and good memories of [name of a fallen hero] to honor [his or her] sacrifice.
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Memorial Day 2021 Messages, Greetings, SMS
Let Memorial Day be a day to count our blessings and remember those who serve to protect our country and our freedom.
Memorial Day is a time to honor, reflect, and remember those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
Today we praise the men and women who sacrificed their lives in the name of our country. Their selfless devotion, outstanding courage, and honor should inspire us to make their sacrifice meaningful.
Thank those who gave their lives in service to our country, Thanks for their invaluable contribution.
Prayers for those who have lost for keeping us safe. May God be the protector of those who is currently in the line of duty.
Salute to the heroes who gave their lives for something bigger… the nation.
Remembering those who gave their all is not a duty, it is love, a hug, and a big thank you.
On Memorial Day, let us honor those who gave their lives for our country. My warmest wishes on Memorial Day and deepest gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice of our fallen heroes.
On this day of prayer and remembrance.. let the memories of the gallant martyrs.. be with us.
The brave die never, though they sleep in dust:
Their courage nerves a thousand living men.
Wishing you a peaceful and blessed Memorial Day
Memorial Day 2021 Inspirational Quotes, Sayings
The willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude. – Jeff Miller
Memorial Day isn’t just about honoring veterans, it’s honoring those who lost their lives. Veterans had the fortune of coming home. For us, that’s a reminder of when we come home we still have a responsibility to serve. It’s a continuation of service that honors our country and those who fell defending it. – Pete Hegseth
These fallen heroes represent the character of a nation that has a long history of patriotism and honor – and a nation that has fought many battles to keep our country free from threats of terror. – Michael N. Castle
True patriotism isn’t cheap. It’s about taking on a fair share of the burden of keeping America going. – Robert Reich
Patriotism was a living fire of unquestioned belief and purpose. – Frank Knox
On Memorial Day, I don’t want to only remember the combatants. There were also those who came out of the trenches as writers and poets, who started preaching peace, men, and women who have made this world a kinder place to live. -Eric Burdon
Memorial Day 2021 Heart- touching Poems
Like Father Like Son
Tyler James was just a baby when his daddy died in Nam.
He was raised by a sister and a hard-working mom.
He was raised to love his country, and every time he saw the flag.
He thought of his father, and how he gave all that he had.
When Tyler finished high school he found a good job.
He helped his mom and sister because he knew that times were hard.
Little did they know the world was to change,
Yeah, buildings came down by men in hijacked planes.
Tyler hugged his mom and sister and headed out the door.
His country would respond, he knew there would be war.
He enlisted in the service, they made him a strong man,
after basic training, he was sent to a foreign land.
Oh, he served with the bravest.
They were proud and they stood tall.
Some of them had fathers whose names are on the wall.
After many months of battle, Tyler’s mother got the call,
Tyler James, her only son, took his final fall.
On a hillside in the country, now lies Tyler James.
And his mother spoke the words, engraved beneath his name.
Tyler James was just a baby when his daddy died in Nam.
On This Memorial Day
Remember those who served before.
Remember those who are no more.
Remember those who serve today.
Remember them as we eat and play.
Remember our protectors-
who are not home today.
Remember them all on Memorial Day.
We Never Forget
Brothers and Sisters at rest
we never forget
the gift you give
we still receive
how could you know
so young
that your battle
at all cost
must be won
Brothers and Sisters at rest
may we, in your eyes
pass your test
and one day, with honor
join your ranks
To Them We Owe
Happened today, and in the past;
Sacrifice made, for ours to last.
Wives to widows, families torn;
Gave their lives, for them we mourn.
Gone forever, souls are lost;
Freedom comes, with this cost.
Enjoy the life, they did preserve;
Fate they suffered, did not deserve.
On this day, lest we forget;
To them we owe, our life in debt.
Somewhere Out There
Somewhere out there today,
In a land far, far away.
A soldier rides patrol,
Knowing not what may unfold.
He keeps watch, as he rides,
Over dangerous countryside.
Roadside bomb, could be hit.
Scary, by this soldier doesn’t quit.
Think about Mom and Dad,
About the good times had,
State-side, how long here?
Back to watching, a little fear.
This was a good day,
To think and to pray.
Strange, that prayer is so right,
When there could be a fire fight.
Wheel back into base,
Tomorrow, another ride to face.
Convoys done for the day,
Looks like rain’s on its way.
Nerve racking job but boring too,
But that’s what soldier’s do.
So many over here, none alike,
Who have gladly joined this fight.
Freedom has a high cost,
Lives given, the ultimate loss.
That cost they willingly give,
So freedom can continue to live.
So, we remember today,
All those who went away-
And gave their lives, that we,
Might live here and stay free.
God Bless America!
Final Verdict
Memorial Day in the United States of America Observed on the Last Monday of May. It was Formerly Known as Decoration Day and commemorates all Men and Women who have died in the military service for their Country. Memorial Day is the Public Holiday. It is the day off for General Population and Schools and Most of the Businesses are Closed. Memorial Day is the Federal Holiday, all Non-essential Government Officers are Closed, As are Schools Businesses, and other organizations. Many people see Memorial Day weekend as an Opportunity to Go on a Short Vacation or Visit Family or Friends.