Kingdom Hearts 3 Review: The Same Old Convoluted Story And Charming Disney Land

Kingdom Hearts 3 Review: The Same Old Convoluted Story And Charming Disney Land

                  Kingdom hearts 3 reviews: The first Kingdom Hearts game was released in 2002 which is almost 17 years ago. The game belongs to the era of PS2 and it was really famous then. Now the third edition of the game has finally come in the market. So are you planning to buy and play Kingdom hearts 3? We how come up with the kingdom hearts 3 reviews in order to help you decide whether to play the game or not. The gameplay has not changed decisively but there are a lot of technical Advancements. It is still related to the same characters.

Kingdom hearts 3 review

Kingdom Hearts 3 Review: The Same Old Convoluted Story And Charming Disney Land

It has been 13 years since the first series of the game was launched. It was one of the best RPG and action games of its time. All the famous games like legends of Zelda and God of War have now been completely renovated. However, not much has been changed in the gameplay of kingdom hearts 3. It is a fluid combat game similar to what it was back in 2002. The games belong to the same RPG action category it used to belong a few years ago. Even the storyline has not changed much in the course of time.

Lights and Sound

Kingdom hearts 3 is the 9th edition of the game in the series. The game is based on two characters who transverse the Disney World by making selective weapons like keyblades against enemies known as heartless. Sora teams of with Goofy and Donald in order to pair up with the entire and anime based in the game across the eight Disney Worlds.

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The 30 hours long gameplay is not very demanding but will keep you engaged in different kinds of activities. You can leave in the air and carry out various activities during the course of the game. You can juggle two or three heartless with well time keyblades strikes. Besides, there are a lot of customizations that the user can make in the game and roaster of magic spells. Hence, once you set up your skills, you are pretty likely to win everything except for the bosses fight. There a lot of different animals and the game which will require different kinds of strategies. So you have to build your strategy depending upon the enemy your face in the game. Some can be eliminated using easy strategies while some will require Complex level strategies.

The house of mouse

Kingdom Hearts 3 is not about the combat game in the system but about exploring the Disney World and watching the interaction with different Final Fantasy characters. However, the number of final fantasy characters in the game is constantly on a fall. There different Disney World stories and activities in the game.

Light and Darkness

Kingdom Hearts 3 storyline is 17 years old and is long and continuous. There are very few people who have been tracking the entire storyline since this very long time. If you are not aware of the entire storyline, you’re probably here to enjoy the Disney characters and Disney World. The game is satisfying, just like a TV series which is in its final episode. How much you will enjoy the game depends upon the time you invest in it.

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Kingdom Hearts 3: Conclusion

The game is a mixture of various activities and emotions. It is great and frustrating at the same time. It’s charming, convoluted, and amazing. However, it is not a very coherent game which you will find. Therefore, most people recommend that if you have been tracking the game, track it for a few more days and see how it ends as well. However, if you haven’t started it, stay away.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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