JAMB Results 2019: JAMB stands for Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board. It is an examination for all the territory level institutions and is a Nigerian entrance. The examination has the significance that it decides whether the student will be admitted for higher studies or not. The board has the responsibility of monitoring all the admissions from Nigeria school to different colleges and in different streams like polytechnics, monotechnics and other colleges of higher education.
Criteria For JAMB Examination
One of the main criteria for sitting in the examination is that the applicant should have obtained the West Africa School Certificate which is now West African Examinations Council which is quite equivalent to National Examination Council of Nigeria.
JAMB 2019 Examination
The examination form for JAMB was released on 16th March and ended on 23rd March 2019. All those who score 100 marks will get admission in polytechnic, if you score above 150 then one will be eligible for applying in university admission. However, the cut off has been already raised to 160 marks.
JAMB 2019 Results
Finally, the results for JAMB is out. All those who have appeared for the examination in the year 2019 can check out their results. This article describes you the way how one can check JAMB 2019 results. UTME has urged all the students to check their results for JAMB. You can also check your result using the service of SMS. Else in the other case, one can check the result using registration number on JAMB portal.
How To Check JAMB Results Online
- The first step should be that one should visit the JAMB checking portal at https://www.jamb.org.ng/eFacility/CheckUTMEResults.
- When the page loads up then you are just required to write either or email address or your JAMB registration number 2019.
- After filling up the registration number you are just required to click on Check Results. Your result will be loaded.
Detailed Instructions For Printing Result Slip
- IF you are not an existing user then you definitely have to create a sign-up account but if you are a user then you just have to log in the account first. If not then create your profile which will be requiring an email id, surname, first name, mobile number, State and origin of LGA and other will be your username and password. After this click on create account.
- Once you log in or create your own account then you will be landing to a page where all the services are made available.
- Select the option print slip on the right side which will be present there.
- Once you choose this service a transaction id will be appearing on your screen on the confirmation page.
- Review the details on the confirmation page and check the transaction number will be in bold red font color. This is because transaction id will be useful for future references. A copy of this transaction will be sent to you on your email address.
- Click on the continue button if you wish with your card immediately but in case you think of making later payment with some options like ATM then note transaction id as it will be required.
- Once your payment will be done you will be asked your registration number and year of examination
- After this, you can print the slip which will be appearing on your screen.
Final Verdict
The results for the exam is already out. If one wants to check it then one should click on the link provided above. Write your registration number and check your result. If you want to print your result then you will be required to pay some amount for it. The clear instructions are stated above. But in case you find any difficulty feel free to share your registration number we will help you find it.