Happy Flirting Day 2019 Quotes, Wishes, WhatsApp Status And Images

Happy Flirting Day 2019

Happy Flirting day comes on the 18th of February.  On this day people who are single flirt around so they can find somebody to love. Generally, people can do it any-day but now we got a special day for everything. These days remind us of the importance of thing in our life and if you don’t know about it then become aware of it. Some people flirt to show interest in a relationship with another person others flirts for amusement. Studies show that people who flirt have more white blood cell in their body. These cells are known to boost immunity and overall health.

Happy Flirting Day 2019-

It is an art in which people show social and sexual behavior which involves verbal, written and body language which shows that a person is interested in another person. Flirting is generally done between two opposite gender in which people behave in a way that shows greater intimacy. This can be achieved by communicating in a way just like a play is going on and you have to play it well.  you can use double ententes ( speech which has a double meaning.)

Body language can include flickering the hair, eye contact, touching, proximity and different gesture.

Happy Flirting Day 2019

Signs someone is probably flirting with you

  •  Their behavior changes when you are around maybe they get nervous because they are into you.
  • They touch you in little ways it can be arm grazes or a pat on your shoulder.
  • Eye contact is the major part of flirting but you have to follow your instinct just like when someone is looking you and when you look at them they nervously look away.
  • They making backhanded compliments on you probably to check how you respond to it.
  • They Fidget, especially in a suggestive way just like your date start playing with their hair, or playing with their glass.
  • They pointing out their weaknesses so that you can show her sympathy and hope you will help her with it.
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Here are the Best Quotes, Wishes, WhatsApp Status, and Facebook Status and Messages which you can send or say to your crush or any person in which you are interested in.

  • Hey last time I looked at my keyboard, I noticed that “u” and “i” are always together
  • If you wake up in a red room with no windows or doors don’t panic you’re in my heart…
  • **hey, am I invisible?**
    – nope?, Why?-
    **so you CAN see me?**
    – yep-
    **how about tomorrow night

Life is for a living,
I live for you
Dreams are for dreaming
I dream for you
Hearts are for beating
Mine beats for you
Angels are for keeping
Can I keep you?

Hershey makes a million kisses a day, I’m just asking for one.

I’m not flirting. I’m just being extra nice to someone who is extra attractive.

Hey, I’ve got 2 words for you.
I love you.
Huh, isn’t that 3 words?
Cuz you & I are one.

Go out at night and count the stars
That’s how many years I’ll wait for you

Happy Flirting Day 2019
I can’t taste my lips, could you do it for me?

You may fall from the sky, you may fall from a tree, but the best way to fall… Is in love with me

If I could rearrange the alphabet I’d put you and I together.

Are you a cashier?…
then why are you checking me out?!?

I know milk does good for the body but DAMN how much did you drink?

If you were a tear , I would never cry in fear of losing you

BOY:Do you have a PEN?
Girl: yeah
BOY: Oh.. Its out of ink!
Girl: what? you’re kidding, it works!
Boy: It doesn’t work! well, you try.. Go, right your cell phone number here

Do you have a map cause i’am lost in your eyes <3

  • You look so beautiful …You make me forget my Pick up line !! =- )

“Here I am… What are your other 2 wishes???

If loving you is wrong I don’t want to be right.

Trying to get with you is like trying to touch a star.
You know you will never get to but you just gotta keep trying!!

  • I wish I was your mirror, so that I could look at you every morning.
  • When I need a pick me up, I just think of your laugh and it makes me smile.
  • Sweet dreams… I hope I’m in them.
  • I really like our friendship, especially when we make out.
  • If I had a candy bar for every time I thought of you, I would be fat.
  • You know you’re pretty… pretty amazing.
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About the Author: Erin Phan

Astha Sharma Is the content writer who always passionate about her work and always try to give the best. She is keen to learn new things and implement them honestly. She has good experience in Content writing and can write in each and every topic in detail.

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