Apex Legends Season 2: Battle Pass, New Characters, Maps And Pricing

Apex Legends Season 2: Battle Pass, New Characters, Maps And Pricing

               Apex Legends Season 2: Respawn Entertainment took the world to storm by suddenly launching Apex Legends season 2. The game grabbed the attention of players from across the world. No wonder, the server hit a record 50 million players in the first month itself. Gamers are curious too about what has Apex legends season 2 got in store for them. Soon after the official launch, a blog on EA Sports Blog confirmed that Apex Legends will now have Fortnite like Battle pass system. We have covered everything you need to know about Apex Legends season 2. Below are the details about the latest season. The Battle Pass Season 1 was a bit underwhelming. However, season 2 has got a lot more to offer.

Apex Legends Season 1 End Date?

Respawn’s official Q&A session on the blog states that each season will end in exactly three. These seasons will not extend for more than 3 months. Hence, apple’s legends season one will be sent on July 19, 1 p.m. if we go by the calculation method. However, the exact date is 18th July and it is displayed inside the game. There is a countdown screen that can be found in season 1 which will show the end time. This is similar to the legendary hunts event.

Apex Legends Season 2 Theme

You might be aware of the season 1 theme which was “Wild Frontier” and they introduced a new legend called octane. The theme for season 2 is ‘Battle Charge’ tied to a new character called Wattson who uses electrified items to stop the enemies and slow them down. It seems that the theme of each season has been tied to a particular character.

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Map Changes

Fortnite battle passes undergo deep changes in the map. This is the probable reason why they are successful in exciting the fans. There is always a change in maps during the start of a season. For instance, there are meteor strikes, volcanic eruptions and small islands covered with ice colliding with the mainland. It is expected that Apex legends are going to follow the same thing. Respawn teased both small and big dragons and we expect them to arrive in season 2.


There word no such challenges in season 1 as found in other games like Fortnite. There are many weekly challenges found in fortnite. Apex legends season 2 will surely have these challenges. There all legendary hunt challenges available in the game till 18th June. Once season two begins on July 2nd, there will be daily and weekly challenges in the game as well. A detailed post by the manager showcased the theme of challenges that will be present in season 2.

They wrote that the battle pass journey will be amazing and the users must enjoy it while playing. Additionally, there will be special challenges allocated for the people who can give only a few hours per week to the game. This will ensure that there is a balance between the players during the battle pass.

New characters

New characters called legends are added to the game simultaneously with the season’s battle pass. Leaks suggest that there will be a new female character which will be called Wattson. She will have electrifying characteristic and she can slow down the enemy using these electrical powers.

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Pricing is something which every player constantly watches. The season 1 was surprised at 950 Apex coins or roughly $9.5. However, the player’s code of for the royale battle pass for just 2800 Apex coins. This would automatically unlock the first 25 levels of the season. We do not expect that the prices of Battle pass will change. Hence, season 2 of Apex legends is going to be exciting and fun for all the players.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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