Victoria Day 2019 Images, Pictures, Wallpapers, Greetings, Quotes, Wishes: As we all know Victoria Day is around the corner to celebrate the birthday of Queen Victoria with a huge celebration. The Victoria Day is basically celebrated on the Monday preceding May 24 in every single province and territory in order to honors Queen Victoria’s birthday. In this year 2019, Victoria Day is going to be celebrated on Monday, 20 May 2019.
Canada observes the holiday with great celebration and it is also considered as an official holiday in order to celebrate and honor Queen Victoria birthday. The federal government on Victoria Day, host the Royal Union Flag at all federal government buildings from sunrise to the sunset and it comprises of airports, military bases, as well as other Crown, held property all over the country.
As the day is getting closer we have arranged Victoria’s Day 2019 Images, Quotes, Wishes, Greetings that you can send to your family and friends in order to celebrate or start the day with these amazing wishes and images.
Victoria Day 2019 Images, Pictures, and Wallpapers
Victoria Day is a very significant holiday and it is celebrated with lots of joy and happiness. On this amazing occasion, we have picked these lovely Happy Victoria Day 2019 Pictures which you will surely love and also you would want to share these pictures by wishing your loved ones on Whatsapp message or sharing on Facebook or any other social networking sites.
These Happy Victoria Day 2019 Pictures, Images, Wallpapers are so amazing that you would like to keep them as your wallpaper and will also share these with your family and friends to spread the festivity feeling and emotions.
Happy Victoria Day 2019 Quotes, Wishes, Greetings
What are you waiting for, just start your day with by sending these beautiful amazing images, messages, quotes? Also if you want you can also wish your family and friends in advance with these amazing pictures and messages.
“Queen Victoria is an inspiration for women because she represents power, class, and respect…. Sending my heartfelt wishes to you on Victoria Day…. May you also grow more beautiful and more powerful like her.”
“Wishing you happiness and health as we celebrate this special day….. May we all have a wonderful and Happy Victoria Day.”
“Today is not just a holiday but it is a holiday in honour of birthday of Queen Victoria…. Let us celebrate this special day by wishing for her long and health life for years to come…. A very Happy Victoria Day to you.”
“If you wish to follow someone then follow the Queen Victoria who has always been a strong and influential lady in the world…. Follow her footsteps and you will definitely enjoy fruits of success…. Wishing a very Happy Victoria Day!!!”
“It is not easy being a queen… it is not just a blessing but lots of responsibilities that you have to shoulder…. Hats off to Queen Victoria for being such an exemplary queen in the world…. A very Happy Victoria Day to you and your family.”
“She had a magnificent aura and she was a woman of inspiration….. Warm wishes on Victoria Day to you.”
“I would venture to warn against too great intimacy with artists as it is very seductive and a little dangerous.”
“Let us celebrate Victoria Day by paying tribute to Queen Victoria for her greatness…. Warm wishes to you on the occasion of Victoria Day.”
“Stores located on Prince Edward Island are only allowed to remain open between the Sunday of Victoria Day weekend and Christmas Day.”
“Victory has originated from Queen Victoria because she has always won the hearts and the countries and that’s the reason we call her Queen…. Wishing you a very Happy Victoria Day.”
“Let us celebrate Victoria Day by paying tribute to Queen Victoria for her greatness…. Warm wishes to you on the occasion of Victoria Day.”
“It is as queen of Canada that I am here. Queen of Canada and all Canadians, not just one or two ancestral strains.”
Victoria Day 2019 Wishes & Quotes For Husband, Wife, Boss, Employee-
- Victoria Day is a statutory federal holiday. However, provincial and territorial government over-rules federal statutes in most areas of Canada. There are places in Canada where Victoria Day is not recognized.
- Stores located on Prince Edward Island are only allowed to remain open between the Sunday of Victoria Day weekend and Christmas Day.
- Victoria Day is statutory federal holiday. However, provincial and territorial government over-rules federal statutes in most areas of Canada. There are places in Canada where Victoria Day is not recognized.
- Shaking hands with the Queen of England was a long way from being forced to sit in the colored section of the bus going into downtown Wilmington, North Carolina.
-By Althea Gibson - Shaking hands with the Queen of England was a long way from being forced to sit in the colored section of the bus going into downtown Wilmington, North Carolina.
-By Althea Gibson - “A strange, horrible business, but I suppose good enough for Shakespeare’s day.”
―Queen Victoria - May Queen Victoria is blessed with a long and happy life…. May She live long and keep showering her greatness on all of us…. Sending you best wishes on Victoria Day.
- If you wish to follow someone then follow the Queen Victoria who has always been a strong and influential lady in the world…. Follow her footsteps and you will definitely enjoy fruits of success…. Wishing a very Happy Victoria Day!!!
Although a madman, Norton wrote letters to Abraham Lincoln and Queen Victoria which they took seriously.
Kerry ThornleyShaking hands with the Queen of England was a long way from being forced to sit in the colored section of the bus going into downtown Wilmington, North Carolina.
Althea Gibson- Victoria Day is all about royal celebrations lauded with majestic parades and cheerful events dedicated to the queen…. Warm wishes on Victoria Day.
- “A marriage is no amusement but a solemn act, and generally a sad one.”
―Queen Victoria - I would venture to warn against too great intimacy with artists as it is very seductive and a little dangerous.
-Queen Victoria