These Are The 5 Adverse Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

These Are The 5 Adverse Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

                                 Adverse Effects Of Sleep Deprivation: Sleeping is as important as working. People have disrupted and short sleep does not feel fresh during the day and the efficiency to work goes down drastically. Reports suggest that the lack of wholesome sleep will decrease the efficiency of people during the daytime and they will not be able to do anything with a fresh mind. Hence, doctors always recommend people to sleep for at least 7 hours a day. Those people who do not sleep for 7 to 9 hours in a day for a prolonged period, can have serious effects of sleep deprivation. We have listed down some of the effects of sleep deprivation below.

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Central Nervous System

With the central nervous system is the neural network of the brain which is involved in carrying and storing messages. Sleep deprivation or prolonged insomnia can exhaust the brain. During the night, the central nervous system tries to backup all the information that the individual has learned during the day. Lack of proper sleep will lead to improper the functioning of the nervous system. Information will not be retained by the brain and the person will always feel exhausted. Additionally, there will be a lack of coordination between the different parts of the body which may lead to an accident on busy roads.

Immune System

Sleep deprivation has an adverse effect on the immune system of the body. You might be aware of the fact that the immune system is involved in protecting the body by bacterias and other invaders. The immune system is involved in release in different kinds of substances why a person is sleeping. These substances help in the proper functioning of the immune system and help in surviving against the bacteria and viruses which attacks the body. Hence, a person who does not sleep for 7 hours a day for a prolonged time is prone to acquire illness and other diseases quickly compared to a person having healthy sleep.

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Digestive system

Lack of proper sleep can affect the digestive system. You might be aware that the brain is involved in releasing certain enzymes while sleeping. These enzymes guide the body when to eat and when not. Lack of proper sleep during the night produces an enzyme which forces an individual to eat more. Hence, the chances of obesity increase is a lot in people who do not have proper sleep. It will also not allow individuals to actively do exercise during the day.

Cardiovascular system

Sleep is a very important factor which controls the different levels of the body. For instance, blood pressure, blood sugar and other important levels related to the cardiovascular system are regulated by proper sleep. Hence, not sleeping for 7 hours a day will have a direct impact on the functioning of the blood vessels and the cardiovascular system. People who do not have proper sleep during the night are prone to acquire cardiovascular diseases. Hence, a 7 to 9 hours sleep is a must. Besides, people who already have a heart issue are advised to sleep even longer.

Endocrine System

The production of hormones in the body depends upon the sleep cycle of an individual. For instance, testosterone is produced during the night when a person is in deep sleep. It requires at least 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep in order to produce testosterone. A low testosterone level in the body will give the feeling of instability. Hence, proper sleep will ensure the proper functioning of all the endocrine glands. The hormones which are produced during night helps to carry out the normal activities during the day. Lack of sleep and low amount of hormones will disturb the activities for the entire day.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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