Pubg Tips And Tricks: How To Win A Royale Battle Pass!

Pubg Tips And Tricks: How To Win A Royale Battle Pass!

          Player Unknown’s Battleground or simply Pubg is the best game available on all the popular platforms. The introduction of Pubg mobile has taken gaming to a completely different level. There are gamers who play this game for 3 to 4 hours continuously. Moreover, pubg has broken all the world records and has become the most downloaded game in the shortest time span. If you are a pubg fan, you might be looking for the best Pubg tips and tricks. The Pubg tips and tricks will make sure that you always win chicken dinner and get the battle royale pass. Below are the best pubg tips and tricks.

Pubg Tips & Tricks

1. Jump Wisely

The decision of landing at a particular place should be taken before the flight takes off. Mark the location on the map and follow it to reach the destination smoothly. You must keep in mind that there are some places like pochinki in Erangel which is highly crowded. Hence, if you wish to survive for a longer time and when a chicken dinner, jump at a suitable place where you can find all the items and get time to settle down in the game. Once you have looted, take a vehicle and charge towards the center. This is a very effective pubg tip and trick.

2. Team Work

Teamwork is very important while playing a game like Pubg. If you have your friends playing with you, keep in touch through the mic and roam around in a group. This will make sure that the chances of dying are minimum. Being close to each other ensures that the enemy can be killed by your teammate and you get revived easily. We believe that pubg is more of a squad game and hence, the strategies must be made accordingly.

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3. Look First, Shoot Later

One of the most important Pubg tip and trick is to shoot after a pause. While playing pubg mobile, you should first look at the opponent and place the gunpoint on him and then shoot. The most common mistake that players make is that they start shooting and then try to locate the opponent. In this case, the gun win never points at the opponent because of the heavy recoil. Hence, it is all it is recommended to take a pause and shoot later. Moreover, the damage is maximum when you are aiming at the head of your opponent.

4. Shoot in range

If you are using a normal gun during the game, do not suit the individuals who are standing at a large distance from you. It is completely useless to hit beyond a range because the damage will be minimal. Moreover, you should aim at a distant opponent only when you are having a scope or rifle. Snipers are the most effective way using which you can kill the individuals who are beyond the range. Hence, you must keep this pubg tip and trick in mind.

5. Follow the Map

You must always follow the map while entering a house. It will give you a rough Idea if any opponent is present in the house or not. Moreover, it is also very important to keep a repeated check on the location of the centre. Sometimes the centre is located at a very far distance. In such cases, you must instantly search for a vehicle and rush towards the centre.

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6. Hide & Peek

The most important strategy of this game is to hide and shoot your opponent. Hide in such a place where your opponent cannot find you easily. Use the peek feature to avoid being located. Moreover, you must always hide behind a tree are stored in a barren land. It acts as a guard.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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