Nintendo Switch Online, the online subscription service for Nintendo, may soon add a number of retro titles. Besides providing cloud storage and online multiplayer, the service provides access to the NES games. More and more NES games are being constantly added to the collection as they get the support of cloud storage and online multiplayer modes.
The Nintendo switch online service subscribers have long waited and pleaded for other classical titles from SNES, Nintendo 64 and GameCube. There is no official statement or timetable release but it seems that Nintendo is working on adding retro games to the collection. They are considering the expansion of retro game collections.
The director of Nintendo responded to a question seeking if the company would likely add the classical platform games on the Nintendo online service anytime soon. This question was asked at the annual general meeting of shareholders. It was asked that is Nintendo is considering the addition of recent collections from Nintendo 64 and GameCube.
He said that he cannot disclose search details at this moment but the company is really looking at the possibilities of at in new titles to the collection as the users are demanding it. New NES titles are already being added to the online service and more classical hardware games may be added over time depending upon their demand in the market.
Nintendo Wii and Wii U are the processes of Nintendo switch and they provided access to the virtual console. Hence, there is tell hope that Nintendo online will also provide the same service. It previously allowed to play games from platforms like NES, SNES, and Nintendo 64.
This is not the first time when the addition of the new classical retro titles to the collection is being reported. Earlier, codes of SNES titles were reported in the Nintendo online service subscription package. It is already known that the first emulator is from NES. Hence, the speculation of users and other analyst shows that the next emulators and collections maybe from the other classical platforms like Nintendo 64 and SNES.
Nintendo switch online is a great platform for gamers and it provides a wide range of games to play. It has a lot of features compared to the normal console games. There is a facility for cloud storage which will help you to resume the game from wherever you left last time. Hence, you can straightaway continue the game from where you left it and complete them at a faster rate.
The Nintendo online service subscription package is the bot individually or by a family which can accommodate people. The one-month subscription package costs $4, 3 months cost $8 and $20 for a year. Whereas, the family pack costs $35 a year. Hence, the family park is a great deal provided you have so many members in your family or you can even buy it along with your friends.