Nintendo Switch Online: Here Is Everything You Need To know Today!

Nintendo Switch Online: Here Is Everything You Need To know Today!

                The Nintendo Switch Online service was launched almost here after its launch. This feature started in September 2018 and is similar to Xbox life and PlayStation Plus. All these three services have the same motive and function. Nintendo switches online is a feature which enables the players to play online multiplayer games. Moreover, Nintendo has not exactly replicated the features from Xbox and PlayStation. Their awesome unique features on this Nintendo switch online service. Additionally, you get a subscription to all the NES games along with Nintendo Switch Online. Below are the things you need to know about the latest Nintendo switch online service.

Nintendo Switch Online: All You Need To Know

1. Subscription Models

In order to enjoy the features of Nintendo switch online, you have to purchase the subscription. There auto subscription models for the service. One is applicable for individual use only, while, the other one is for family purpose. The family subscription serves up to 8 individual. Moreover, the subscription can be bought from the Nintendo online shop for $20 per year for the individual pack and $35 for a family pack. Additionally, the subscription is also available in monthly and weekly options. However, there are more costly when you compare them to the annual subscription. Do remember to cancel the auto renovation while shopping or else the subscription will get auto-renewed.

2. Required for Online Multiplayer Modes

Users were allowed to play online e multiplayer games before the Nintendo switch online service was launched. This included famous applications like platoon 2 and Mario Kart. However, all the first party Nintendo games now require a subscription to the online service for playing multiplayer. Moreover, almost all the third party Nintendo games also require a subscription to the online service for playing multiplayer mode. There a few exceptions which do not require an online subscription for playing a multiplayer game.

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3. Nintendo App for Chatting

One of the most annoying features of the Nintendo switches online services that you need to install the additional chatting application on your smartphone for chatting with your friends while playing online. The Nintendo switch online application is available for free on both the app store and play store. Hence, you have to use two devices simultaneously for playing and chatting with your friends. However, there are some popular games which have an inbuilt voice console for chatting without the need of an additional application.

4. Cloud Service Available

This is a mixed-use feature which is very happening for most players. The cloud service feature on the Nintendo switches online enables the gamer to backup the saved games. This will ensure that if your console dies, you will not have to play and start the game from the beginning. You can rather access the save game from the cloud services directly and play it on your new console. Hence, cloud service is an amazing feature.

5. Renew on time

Renewing the online subscription on time is very important because you will miss out many features if not done on time. For instance, all your back down games on the cloud will be automatically deleted after your subscription expires. This means that you can lose all your game and data if the subscriptions are not renewed within a certain period of time. Hence, you must enable the auto-renew option or do it manually on time.

6. Many more features to come

Nintendo switch in the exponential report mentioned that it has crossed over 8 million subscribers for online service. Moreover, Nintendo intense to extend the online platform and add many new features. Hence, you will get money new features and benefits of the online service at the same price supposed you have purchased this subscription.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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