Happy St. Lucia Day 2018; Things You Need To Know About It!

St. Lucia Day 2018

If you are looking for the Happy St. Lucia Day 2018 related stuff then you are on a very right page. You all are going to see the related information of this amazing day here. Also, we are going to write down about the Happy ST. Lucia Day 2018 related stuff and we are pretty sure that you all are going to get all the information related to this holiday from here. Now, without wasting any second we would like to jump into the conclusion and event here.

St. Lucia Day-

You all should know that the St. Lucia Day is a traditional Advent custom in Sweden. People who live in Sweden celebrate this day on December 13th to honor the young Italian saint known as the “Queen of Light.” People are in love with the St. Lucia Day 2018 and we are pretty sure that you all are going to get all the updates from here. Some of you might know that the Swedish people came to celebrate an Italian saint is quite a story. You’ll see everything and when we searched about it and learned a lot about this Advent season.

Also, you all should know that the St. Lucia is pronounced as Lu-chée-a in Italian and also people pronounce it Lu-sée-a in Swedish. You all should know that the St. Lucia was born in Sicily, an island off the coast of Italy, in the third century A.D. Some of you might know that the Sicily was the part of the Roman Empire and it was against the law to be a Christian. Also, we have seen that the St. Lucia’s father was a wealthy nobleman and he died when Lucia was a baby.

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St. Lucia Day History-

Now, we don’t want to dig deep in the history but you all should know that the St. Lucia’s mother raised Lucia as a Christian. Even though, she was aware that the persecution for their faith could be death. At the time of Lucia’s married the young girl was deeply saddened. She loved God with all her heart and wanted to dedicate herself to God alone and His service. Things didn’t work out as she expected and the arrangements were made for her to marry a pagan man. We are going to write down the St. Lucia is an amazing day. Overall, things didn’t work out for her and her fiance was so enraged that he denounced her to the governor thereby revealing that she was a Christian.

In the end, we have found out that she was killed as a punishment by the government. Now, the name Lucy or Lucia means “Light” and the people call her the “Queen of light”. Also, you all should be aware of the fact that she was willing to give up her life to honor Christ. Also, Lucia boldly held high the light of Christ during a time in history that was indeed very dark. People enjoy this day and they are surely going to love the St. Lucia Day 2018.

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