Fire Emblem – Three Houses: After Fire emblem fates and fire emblem awakening, the developers are all set to launch the latest fire emblem three houses game. It is going to be the first turn-based tactical role-playing game for the Nintendo switch. Fire Emblem – Three Houses is a strategy based game which adoption the same role-playing gameplay which the franchise has been using since the very beginning. However, it will now come up with some new tricks and features which will bee amazing things for the existing fire emblem users. We have listed down everything we know about the games so far.
Fire Emblem – Three Houses
The game is set on the continent of Fodlan and it is split into 3 different Kingdoms or districts namely Adrestian Empire, Fairghus Kingdom, and Leicester Alliance. The player has the freedom to join any of these houses according to his choice. The Adrestian Empire is located in the southern part of the continent and is ruled by the namesake dynasty. They have been ruling this district since almost a millennium. The Fairghus Kingdom is ruled by a royal family and is protected by Knights. It is located in the Northern part of the continent. The East district is rule free. It is essentially the Leicester Alliance.
The three houses brand were involved in serious Clashes during the earlier period. However, there is a situation of peace all around the continent currently. The powerful deity figure above might be the reason behind this. The monastery is located in the heart of the continent and is opened for the children of any kingdom. The primary of the job to keep a peaceful environment on the continent. Each batch of the student is given a unique name. Black Eagles represent the Adrian Empire, Fairghus is blue lions and Alliance is represented by Gold deer.
Academy Activities
The player has to complete a number of activities at the officer’s academy if he or she is not taking part in the battle. All the kingdoms follow 30-day rule and 12 months a year. Each chapter ends in 30 days. The students can be taught different kinds of activities in the officer’s academy during the weekdays. Besides, they can take the examination during the weekends or just chill and relax. Taking an exam may help them to get promoted to the other class. Tutoring is done either automatically or with a specific set of students.
Fire Emblem – Three Houses is going to have the same grid-based tactical gameplay which is found on the other games owned by the franchise. However, the player will be able to select his own resources differently in the game. Moreover, the players are given the freedom to train the students in the classroom in order to give them real-life battle experience. These students will be the people who will accompany you in the battle.
The concept of weapon durability is back in Fire Emblem – Three Houses. Now the weapons can be damaged and the damage rate depends upon the character. Users can help a particular student in getting used to a single weapon so that he is very efficient during the battle. This is a very good strategy and can be done by giving academy training to the student. Every character has a different role and his skills will be strong in a particular thing and weak in others. Hence, the weapons can be selected according to the ranking which an individual character has in the game. Hence, the gameplay is quite unique and amazing and people will enjoy it. So you will have to wait for another few months and then get started with the game.