FFXIV Shadowbringers Biggest Changes; New Jobs, AI Party & Gameplay Overhauls

FFXIV Shadowbringers Biggest Changes; New Jobs, AI Party & Gameplay Overhauls

                 The third expansion of MMORPG Final Fantasy xiv has been launched. It has been subtitled as Shadowbringers. The new expansion has come up with a lot of new features including overhauls, tweaks, and tons of new content. The new expansion coincides with the recent update of version 5 which has implemented a number of changes. It will be applicable for everyone even if one has not purchased Shadowbringers.

We have tested version 5 and new expansion previously and this time we tried out the retail version of the game as well. Hence, we have come up with a detailed list of new features and things that you will find amidst the colorful world. There are many exciting things in the game which have been newly added. The new expansion of the game is currently live on PC and PlayStation 4 for the players who have pre-ordered it. The full version will be available on and after July 2nd, 2019. Here is a detailed overview of the new expansion.

ShadowBringers Overview

Get a new job

Gunbreaker is the new tank job that features a gunblade as your weapon. It also a La Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII, which was the inspiration of its creation. You will execute a basic attack combo ending with a solid barrel. Moreover, you will have to build up cartridges which will feed the gauge. It is used for other weapons skills like brust strike. It costs one cartridge and causes 450 potency damage.


It is an all-new DPS job which means much more than just laying down to him the enemy. The dancer’s rotation is like a choreographed attack that does damage while providing buffs to party members.

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Bunnies and lions

ShadowsBringers has introduced two new races: Viera and Hrothgar. Viera Gurbani live characters which were also present in Final Fantasy 12 and Final Fantasy xiv. These can also be taken up as female characters. Hrothgar represents the lion race which can be played only as a male. These characters or raises were earlier unlocked at the fanfest 2019. There work concerns about how these characters would be locked to one gender. The director said that it is quite difficult to create new races as it requires a lot of time and resources. Besides accepting the fact that they require a lot of money, he also said that it is very important to integrate them with the animation and aesthetics of the game and that too with perfection.

AI Teammates for Dungeons

ShadowsBringers has integrated dungeons just like final Fantasy xiv. Earlier, you had to make a group of 4 or undergo the matchmaking mechanism as dungeons are always four in number. The new expansion has introduced a trust system. It is a special solution to get artificial intelligent partners for running dungeons. The characters from the main story will accompany you and feel of the roles which are required. However, trust mechanism players which are powered by artificial intelligence are less superior than the original players because it must not overshadow the aspects of the game.

Charge actions

The charge action system has put up a new spin on certain cooldown abilities by letting you stock up. This is done to allow you to perform consecutive execution.

Machinist Overhaul

The DPS job has been completely redesigned and it feels like a new job. They will now have a great gauge and a battery gauge. Once these are completely filled, you can use them as an ability to attack the robots. This is one of the many new mechanics wait you will get in the new expansion of the game.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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