Brown Rice vs White Rice: Which Is The Healthier Option?

Brown Rice vs White Rice: Which Is The Healthier Option?

                  Brown Rice vs White Rice: Grains are a very important part of the diet for people around the world. Rice who is considered to be one of the most consumed staples for grains in Asia. Not just Asia, but the entire world consumes rice in some form of the other. Rice comes in different shapes and sizes. However, white rice and brown rice are the most popular ones. White rice is considered to be a usual option whereas brown rice is considered to be a healthier option. However, many people are confused between brown rice and white rice. Hence, we have compared Brown Rice vs White Rice to find out the most suitable option for you.

Brown Rice vs White Rice

Fibers, Minerals & Vitamins

Brown rice is considered to be rich in fibers, minerals, and vitamins. The fibers and different kinds of minerals and vitamins found in brown rice are very healthy for the body. Moreover, brown rice is considered to be one of the healthiest grain. On the other hand, white rice is considered to be empty food which doesn’t have any essential vitamins or minerals. Hence, brown rice is obviously a better option if you want to intake fiber, vitamins, and minerals.


Anti-nutrients are essentially planted compounds which may decrease the efficiency of observing certain minerals in the body. For instance, brown rice is rich in phytic acid and arsenic. Phytic acid is known for decreasing the absorption of iron and some other minerals in the body. Hence, having brown rice for a prolonged period can cause a mineral deficiency in the body. Moreover, arsenic is a harmful chemical compound present in brown rice. Hence, this is another reason why people should consider thinking before having brown rice for a long period of time.

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Blood Sugar

Brown rice is a charm for diabetic patients. This yes because it has a height magnesium and fiber content which is known to decrease the blood sugar level in the body. Hence, it is a very good addition to the diet of diabetic people. On the other hand, white rice is considered to be a factory of carbohydrate which is extremely bad for diabetic people and increases the blood sugar level significantly. Hence, diabetic people are often recommended to have brown rice in their diet strictly. Moreover, people who do not have diabetes are also recommended to have a low blood sugar level in order to avoid any such diseases in the future.

Heart Disease

Different studies on brown rice suggest that it is a very good choice for people who want to reduce the risk of heart diseases. it has different compounds which decrease the blood pressure level of the body and also reduces the inflammation of arteries. There different kinds of direct and indirect benefits which brown rice has for a patient suffering from heart diseases. On the other hand, white rice is not a great choice because it increases the fat count in the body significantly which leads to different heart problems. brown rice decreases the fats in the body and therefore, leads to a healthy heart.

Brown Rice vs White Rice: Conclusion

In our comparison of Brown Rice vs White Rice, we found out that brown rice is the clear winner in this battle. It is quite evident that brown rice is the healthiest staple that one can have in their diet. Moreover, brown rice is known for decreasing the risk of diabetes and heart disease which is very essential for people nowadays. The only downside is the arsenic content. However, the complication of arsenic can be reduced by not taking brown rice almost daily.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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