World No Tobacco Day 2019: Significance, Observance, Activities, Themes And Inspirational Quotes

World No Tobacco Day 2019: Significance, Observance, Activities, Themes And Inspirational Quotes

          World No Tobacco Day 2019 Significance, Observance, Activities, Themes, Quotes: World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is observed every year all around the world on 31 May. The day is intended in order to encourage a 24-hour period of self-denial from all forms of tobacco consumption around the world. The member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) created World No Tobacco Day in the year 1987.

World No Tobacco Day Significance

The day is also observed in order to draw the attention to the extensive prevalence of tobacco usage as well as to negative health effects, which at present lead to more than 7 million deaths around the world each year, comprising 890,000 of which are the outcome of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.

In the past twenty-one years, the day is observed with great enthusiasm and resistance around the world from governments, public health organizations, smokers, growers, as well as the tobacco industry.

World No Tobacco Day 2019 Observance

World No Tobacco Day 2019: Significance, Observance, Activities, Themes And Inspirational Quotes

This year in 2019, the focus of World No Tobacco Day 2019 is on “tobacco and lung health.” The campaign is going to raise the awareness on the negative impact that tobacco has on people’s lung health, from cancer to long-lasting respiratory disease, the vital role lungs play for the health as well as the well-being of all people. The campaign also assists as a plea to action, supporting and encouraging for active policies to lessen tobacco consumption and engaging stakeholders all over numerous sectors in the fight for tobacco control.

World No Tobacco Day Celebration And Activities

World No Tobacco Day celebration is held on a yearly basis by the WHO and its member states comprising non-governmental as well as governmental organizations for the people to get aware of all the health concerns caused by the usage of tobacco.

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Various activities are organized for observing the day such as public marches, demonstrations programmes, anti-tobacco activities, big banners, public debates, advertising campaigns through educational programs, direct communication with common public, public art, health camps, rallies and parades, implementing new laws in order to restrict the smoking in specific areas and so many effective activities. It has not been declared as a public holiday or official holiday however, it is celebrated with lots of effective campaigns.

World No Tobacco Day Themes

World No Tobacco Day 2019: Significance, Observance, Activities, Themes And Inspirational Quotes

Each year, World No Tobacco Day is celebrated all over the world and for effective observance WHO selects a special theme every year as a central constituent in order to allow a global message to the people for more awareness. Here are the themes of World No Tobacco Day from the year 1987 to 2019.

The theme for 1987 was “1st Smoke-free Olympics (1988 Olympic Winter Games – Calgary)”.

The theme for 1988 was “Tobacco or Health: choose health”.

The theme for 1989 was “Women and tobacco: the female smoker: at added risk”.

The theme for 1990 was “Childhood and youth without tobacco: growing up without tobacco”.

The theme for 1991 was “Public places and transport: better be tobacco free”.

The theme for 1992 was “Tobacco free workplaces: safer and healthier”.

The theme for 1993 was “Health services: our windows to a tobacco free world”.

The theme for 1994 was “Media and tobacco: get the message across”.

The theme for 1995 was “Tobacco costs more than you think”.

The theme for 1997 was “United for a tobacco free world”.

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The theme for 1996 was “Sport and art without tobacco: play it tobacco free”.

The theme for 1998 was “Growing up without tobacco”.

The theme for 1999 was “Leave the pack behind”.

The theme for 2000 was “Tobacco kills, don’t be duped”.

The theme for 2001 was “Second-hand smoke kills”.

The theme for 2002 was “Tobacco free sports”.

The theme for 2003 was “Tobacco free film, tobacco free fashion”.

The theme for 2004 was “Tobacco and poverty, a vicious circle”.

The theme for 2005 was “Health professionals against tobacco”.

The theme for 2006 was “Tobacco: deadly in any form or disguise”.

The theme for 2007 was “Smoke free inside”.

The theme for 2008 was “Tobacco-free youth”.

The theme for 2009 was “Tobacco health warnings”.

The theme for 2010 was “Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women”.

The theme for 2011 was “The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control”.

The theme for 2012 was “Tobacco industry interference”.

The theme for 2013 was “Ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship”.

The theme for 2014 was “raise taxes on tobacco”.

The theme for 2015 was “Stop illicit trade of tobacco products”.

The theme for 2016 was “Get ready for plain packaging”.

The theme for 2017 was “Tobacco – a threat to development”.

The theme for 2018 is “Tobacco and heart disease”. It focused on the cardiovascular health.

The theme for 2019 is “Tobacco and Lung Health” which is going to emphasis on the dangers of tobacco on lungs which then later leads to cancer and chronic respirational diseases.

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World No Tobacco Day Inspirational Quotes

World No Tobacco Day 2019: Significance, Observance, Activities, Themes And Inspirational Quotes

“Smoking does not make you a KILLER per se, but your heart will drown in GUILT if second hand smoke gave someone in your own family a life-threatening disease. Save a lifetime of regret – quit today.”

“The True Face of Tobacco Is disease, death and horror- not the glamour and sophistication the pushers in the tobacco industry try to portray.” David Byrne

“Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising up every time we fail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Giving up tobacco is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” Mark Twain

“Looking for motivation to quit smoking? Just look into the eyes of your loved ones and ask yourself if they deserve to die because of your second hand smoke.”

“The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going.” – Napoleon Hill

“Tobacco kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.” Brooke Shield

“Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire, which transcends everything.” – Napoleon Hill

“Replacing the smoke on your face with a smile today will replace illness in your life with happiness tomorrow. Quit now.”

“Disadvantages of smoking are many but those of quitting are none. Advantages of smoking are none but those of quitting are many. Only a fool would make the wrong choice here.”

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About the Author: Prabhat Singh

Prabhat is a consistent and hard working content creator with specialization in tech and finance niche. He has more tha 3 years of experience in the field of content development and blogging. Being an introvert, the online social world has always been his preference.

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