These Are The Top Reasons Why You Should Use Fedora Linux?

These Are The Top Reasons Why You Should Use Fedora Linux

            Fedora is one of the most famous Linux distros. It has a lot of Amazing features and is powered by Red Hat Linux. However, many people prefer alternatives which are quite easy to operate. Those like Ubuntu is known for its simplicity and easy to use interface. Additionally, Kali Linux is known for its unique pen testing feature. On the other hand, people consider Fedora to be a difficult option because of its complicated user interface. However, we believe that Fedora is one of the most useful Linux distros with an active community. Hence, we have listed the Features And Advantages of Using Fedora Linux.

Why Should you use Fedora Linux?

1. Regular updates

The best kind of softwares is those which are regularly updated to the latest version and are incorporated with new features. It is also known as bleeding edge Linux distribution. It is always updated to the latest software, has frequent kernel updates, updated drivers and libraries. The operating System update is rolled out every 6 months. Hence, if you love to remain updated with the latest technology and tools, Fedora is the best option.

2. Variety of Spins

Availability of a number of spins adds to the advantages of this Linux tool. You might be aware of the fact that Fedora comes with the GNOME desktop environment by default. However, the user can switch over to other environments like KDE, plasma-desktop, MATE, cinnamon. Users can choose between these environments depending upon their own requirements and programs. Moreover, there is no need for any kind of customization while using the software. They also do all the hard of adding the spins. Hence, the user doesn’t have to do a lot of customizations for using the tool.

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3. Best Security Measures

Almost all Linux software are safe and secure, however, Fedora has additional security features. They have gone further and incorporated security-enhanced Linux (SELinux). Hence, you can easily rely on this Linux software. SELinux enhances security by enhancing the mandatory access controls. It prevents any kind of unauthorized access to the software. Hence, data and programs are completely secured.

4. Large community

people intend to get frustrated when they cannot find a solution to a particular problem for days or even months. Searching the internet and watching lengthy videos on YouTube can eat up time unnecessarily. Hence, you must use a tool where you will not face some major problems. Fedora is one software which has a huge community which is ready to help you in any case at any point in time. It has the second largest community and the community is also available on Reddit. Moreover, there is an online platform where you can directly list your questions or answers.

Final Words

Fedora may not be as advanced as Ubuntu. However, there are some amazing updated technological Features which are updated from time to time. It provides some amazing security and has a solid base.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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