Passover 2020; Significance, Celebration, Dates, And Duration

Passover 2019; Significance, Celebration, Dates, And Duration

             Passover 2020; Significance, Celebration, Dates, And Duration: Passover is a major, biblically derived Jewish holiday which is also known as Pesach. Jews celebrate Passover as a memorial and tribute of their freedom by God from slavery in earliest Egypt and their liberty as a nation under the leadership of Moses.

It honors the story of the Exodus as termed in the Hebrew Bible, particularly in the Book of Exodus, in which the Israelites were unbound from slavery in Egypt. As per the standard biblical sequence of events, this happening would have taken place at around 1300 BCE (AM 2450).

Passover is a spring festival that all through the existence of the Temple in Jerusalem was linked or associated with the donation of the “first-fruits of the barley”, barley is being the first-ever grain to mature and to be harvested in the Land of Israel.

Passover Significance   

The Passover celebrates The Exodus, the liberty from the slavery of the youngsters of Israel from ancient Egypt that shadowed the Ten Plagues. Commencement of the 49 days of calculating of the Omer and it is also associated with barley harvest in spring.

Passover celebration

Passover is celebrated for seven days in Israel and eight days in the Diaspora. The main event of the Passover holiday is the Seder, literally means “order”, a festive meal in Jewish practice, where one or two festive Seder meals are consumed first two nights. In the times of the Temple in Jerusalem, the Passover sacrifice is held. In Samaritan practice, men come together for a spiritual ceremony on Mount Gerizim that comprises of the ancient lamb sacrifice on the 7th day.

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For many Jews, the procedure of organizing for Passover includes cleaning every corner of the home and getting rid of all leavened goods, known as chametz. A number of Jews practice biur chametz (burning chametz) while on the other hand, others retain all the chametz in a distinct area of the house where it won’t be seen, and characteristically vend the chametz. This can be done through a local synagogue, and chametz is typically sold for a minimal amount of money (frequently a few coins). A lot of Jews have special Passover dishes that are only used once a year all through the holiday.

Dates and Duration of Passover

The Passover basically starts on the 15th day of the month of Nisan, which normally falls in the month of March or April of the Gregorian calendar. Passover is a spring festival, so the 15th day of Nisan usually arises on the night of a full moon subsequently the northern vernal equinox. On the other hand, because of the leap months falling after the vernal equinox, Passover at times begins on the second full moon after the vernal equinox, as in the year 2016.

Passover takes place on the following dates:

Jewish Year 5774: Sunset 14th April 2014 – Nightfall 22 April 2014

Jewish Year 5775: Sunset 3 April 2015 – Nightfall 11 April 2015

Jewish Year 5776: Sunset 22 April 2016 – Nightfall 30 April 2016

Jewish Year 5777: Sunset 10 April 2017 – Nightfall 18 April 2017

Jewish Year 5778: Sunset 30 March 2018 – Nightfall 7 April 2018

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Jewish Year 5779: Sunset 19 April 2019 – Nightfall 27 April 2019

Jewish Year 5780: Sunset 8 April 2020 – Nightfall 16 April 2020

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About the Author: Prabhat Singh

Prabhat is a consistent and hard working content creator with specialization in tech and finance niche. He has more tha 3 years of experience in the field of content development and blogging. Being an introvert, the online social world has always been his preference.

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