The crafting of the movie trailer video is a very tedious job. This is because it involves the compilation of clips from the movie which do not much of the story’s plot and mystery. But surely it should be capable of attracting the audience towards the movie. The lot many new movie trailers are going to be released in a given week. We’ve taken up the opportunity of rounding them up and separating the better ones from the rest for you. Check out here the latest new movies must-see trailers below, if you’re looking for great action, horror, comedy, and something else which is soon to release.
The director of The Descent and Game of Thrones, Neil Marshall involves himself in the movie reboot. It suggested that franchise was going to head down a darker path in its latest incarnation. The latest trailer for the R-rated film certainly doesn’t challenge the suggestion. It has also got a number of funny moments. The trailer the grim-and-gritty side of the reboot which harks us back to the comic roots.
Starwars: Always
Topher Grace (yes, the BlacKkKlansman and That ’70s Show actor) is a great star war fan thus he decided to work with an editor on the movie named Star Wars: Always. It’s actually so brilliant that how greatly it conveys the narratives of the series through all the films up to this point. We still prefer watching the movie preferably in viewing order but this trailer is a great recap of the story so far.
Detective Pikachu
Whether it is our favorite Pokemon or the adorable Ryan Renoylds but this movie is surely going to rule the theatres. The latest trailer from the movie is really impressive. It certainly helps that the film hails from director Rob Letterman. The movie follows Pikachu and a human pal. In the movie, they investigate a mystery in the massive metropolis where people and Pokémon live together. The movie is entertaining for both kids and adults.
X-Men: Dark Pheonix
After the flop of the movie X-Men: Apocalypse, the movie franchise is trying to get the win from the dark phoenix. The film takes its name from a very famous storyline in the team Marvel’s comic history. This is much like Apocalypse and Days of Future Past before it, so it has a lot to live up to. The latest trailer still falls flat and is appearing just as a spoiler.
Hail Satan
The separation of church and the state in the US has so far become a matter of great debate. This documentary showcases the rise of controversial religious groups. These group has been challenging authority by saying that all religions deserve to be treated equally in the eyes of the government. The movie also includes certain fun moments.
The Irishman
The mob movie dream team of filmmaker Martin Scorsese and actors Joe Pesci, Robert De Niro, and Al Pacino have successfully reunited. This is to make the much-anticipated film that successfully claims to tell the true story of the disappearance of the union leader Jimmy Hoffa in 1975. The teaser does not depict much but little dialogues from the film.