iOS 12.2 Beta Public 3 Is Now Rolling Out, Here Is What You Know!

iOS 12.2 Beta Public 3 Is Now Rolling Out, Here Is What You Know!

            Apple is now rolling out the third iOS 12.2 beta public version update for iPhones and iPads. This update is followed by the iOS 12.2 beta update for the developers. A number of features are coming into the iPhones and iPads. So what exactly are the new features that will be rolling in with the iOS 12.2 beta public update? A number of small features like the animoji will be added to your device prior to the official launch.

Animojis are basically live emoticons or stickers that can be shared with people while chatting with them over popular social messaging applications. They are exclusively developed by Apple and has proved to be really likeable by the users. Now Apple has planned to roll out a number of animojis which will include stickers related to animals and pets. However, the official launch of these is awaited. The beta iOS 12.2 update will be adding a number of animojis which are in beta mode.

iOS 12.2 Beta Update Features

Now iPhone users in Canada can have access to the Apple news after this update. Additionally, there are some minor changes in the user interface of various applications. This update includes a major reshuffling in the Apple wallet application. The theme of Apple wallet last transactions has been changed. Additionally, now you get a triangular Interface while entering the card details in the wallet app. A feature which enables detailed transaction overview is also added. Details can now be seen on the wallet app by simply tapping on the transaction history.

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An inline Safari music playback is added. Other Safari update includes warning related to unsecured websites and automatic search suggestions without typing anything in the box. Moreover, a new Safari toggle is added to the iOS settings. Besides, keyboard colour picker and some shuffling are done in the search option of music player.

The about option in the settings now displays all the hardware specifications and device model. Moreover, the update now displays date properly on the lock screen. Besides, the head of the Apple news application has been changed to ‘News.’ Also, music videos do not play automatically after this update. You manually need to put and the data if you want to play the music continuously or repeat the same music. There is also an option to stop the music once the video is over.

Hence, the iOS 12.2 beta public update has added a number of features to the iPhone and other devices. Moreover, many existing features are updated and now users have more control over them. Some security features are also present in this update which now enables the users to stay away from unsecured websites while searching from Safari. Hence, you can no longer view unsecured websites on safari.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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