Here Are Top 5 Tax Filing Software Programs: Be Your Own CA!

Here Are Top 5 Tax Filing Software Programs- Be Your Own CA!

    There are two things from which people cannot escape in life. Those two things are death and taxes. Seems funny, but it is absolutely true in this case. However, there is no software which can help you to manage death, whereas, there are a number of software programs which can help you in filing tax. Filling tax seems to be a very complicated task for small enterprises. Moreover, a self-employed person finds it even more difficult to file taxes by himself. Hiring a chartered accountant for filing taxes seems to be an extra yearly cost. Hence, we have listed down the tax filing software programs which will help you to file taxes all by yourself.

5 Best Tax Filing Software Programs

The following tax filing software programs will help you to escape from the April 15 deadline every year.

1. Turbotax

Turbotax is one of the leading tax filing software programs in the market today. This is because of the amazing and easy to use platform offered by them. The interface of the application is extremely simple and makes it even better for individuals and small-scale enterprises. The filing is completely done on the question and answer basis. This makes it suitable for individuals who do not have much knowledge about filing taxes. Moreover, the support system helps you at every stage of filing tax. However, if you are feeling is complicated you will have to pay some extra bucks. The fees range from $0 to $150, depending upon the complications. There Acer lives chat option where you can consult an expert.

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2. H&R Block

This is something more than just a text filing software program. It is a service based application which even provides office visits for easy filing of taxes. However, you can also opt for the online version which is to be filed by own. Just like TurboTax, H&R block has an easy to use, question and answer based filing system. Additionally, there are multiple chat rooms, where you can consult the experts, in case of any difficulty while filing the taxes. The fees range from $0 to $75.

3. TaxAct

TaxAct is one of the most affordable tax filing software program available in the market.  It office the cheapest rate for self-employed people. The charges are $45 for small enterprises and self-employed people. However, it is a simplified version of TurboTax and does not have many explanations. It is mostly for those who have a great experience of filing taxes in the past. However, you can contact the support Centre anytime in case of difficulties.

4. TaxSlayer

If you are looking for a tax filing software program at an affordable rate, then you can consider TaxSlayer too. The software is used by multiple accountants for filing taxes of the clients. Hence, it is absolutely credible and also simple for individuals. The program has a guide option which will guide you through all the features and dashboard. Moreover, you can also contact support via call or live chat option. The price chart ranges from $0 to $45. There are you multiple access available based on the size of an enterprise.

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5. Liberty Tax

This is another great tax filing software program which will help you and filing taxes on your own, without the need of any third person. The downside of this program is that there is no free version. However, the basic version will cost you only $15. It has a number of powerful tools which helps you to gather information from the previously filed forms and other documents. This will help you in case you want any information related to your previous filings. It also has many chat windows, just like other programs for life guidance and tax filing. Moreover, there are a number of autofill features.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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