Happy Confession Day 2019 Quotes Wishes Images Wallpapers & Pictures!

Happy Confession Day 2019 Quotes Wishes Images Wallpapers & Pictures!

Happy Confession Day 2019 Quotes Wishes Images Wallpapers & Pictures: comes on the 19th of February every year. On his day people confess to each other. They tell each other secrets, they tell you the things which they never said to you. It can be funny talks or serious talks depending on what type of confession is people want to make. Sometimes it is such a hard job to do a confess but the person knows its importance in a relationship then it can be a beautiful thing. Because if you are making a bad confession or telling the person about things that make you look bad then if a person loves you truly.  He or she will understand that this is a step to get deeper into the relationship knowing the dark side of each other and you really changed because you opening you to him or her.

Keeping a guilty secret can be painful and stressful and make a relationship’s bond weak. Confessing your feelings to someone could start a beautiful new friendship! Confession Day was created to give an opportunity to people who hold secrets in their life. On this day they can open up themselves to anyone they like and feel free from inside.

Happy Confession Day 2019-

Here are Best Wishes, quotes, Facebook and Whats app status, messages which you can send as messages or say to dear ones or post on your social network.

  • Defeated by all that love is, at the truthful mouth of the night, Forsaken by all that love is, I will grow towards you.
    Happy Confession Day.
  • Confessing a secret make feels good and helps to relieve stress so why not give a try by getting something off your chest and talking things through with a loved one.
  • Though it is shame and misguided, And to my folly self-derided Here at your feet I will admit It I ‘ll befit my years, my station, Good sense has long been overdue. Ande yet, by every indication Happy Confession day.
  • True Luv is like a mischievous kid
    It plays and ur feelings make u do naughty things,
    hugs u like a sweet confession
    sleep in ur heart like a newborn baby.
    Happy Confession Day
  • Prayer is a confession of Our weakness.
    On This Confession Day make Yourself
    Happy Confession Day To All My Friends.
  • Strong and burning and so deep inside.
    Way down past everything that I try to hide.
    Happy Confession Day
  • If I could have all the time in the world, I know what I would do: I’d spend the time. In pleasure sublime, Just by being with you
    Happy Confession Day.
  • Say that you Love me that you can see I have what you’ve longed for your place is with me.
    Happy Confession Day.
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Happy Confession Day 2019 Quotes Wishes Images Wallpapers & Pictures!

Confession Day Wishes

  • Touched by all that love is
    I draw closer toward you
    Saddened by all that love is
    I run from you.


  • Though it is shame and toil misguided,
    And to my folly self-derided
    Here at your feet I will admit
    It ill befits my years, my station,
    Good sense has long been overdue!
    And yet, by every indication.


  • Say that you love me
    and that you can see
    I have what you’ve longed for
    and your place is with me.


  • Touched by all that love is
    I draw closer toward you
    Saddened by all that love is
    I run from you.


  • I have a confession to make
    ever since I met u it’s been hard for me to 4get u
    every night I see u in my dreams
    and find myself shouting


  • Between lovers
    A little confession is a dangerous thing


  • True love is like a mischievous kid
    It plays and your feelings,
    makes u do naughty things,
    hugs u like a sweet confession
    n sleep in your heart like a newborn baby. Happy Confession Day


  • Those who are quick at confessing their feelings are the ones who are always happy and relaxed in life…. Happy Confession Day.”


  • “It may not be easy to confess but the happiness that you get after making a confession is a bliss…. Have a Happy Confession Day.”


  • “To be able to make a confession is the strength of a strong heart…. So don’t be weak and let your feelings out on Confession Day.”


  • “You will burn deep inside if you will don’t share it and hide…. Liberate from that feeling by saying it all…. Happy Confession Day.”
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  • “One confession that you make relieves your mind and soul with stress and pain for days….. Have a Happy Confession Day.”


  • “Confessions always make hearts happy and light…. Try them and feel the happiness.”


  • “If you are in love then little confession will be harmful….so make a full confession.”


  • “Confessions are very good for the soul but can sometimes be bad for relationships.”


  • “Confessions must be made only to those who can take it.”


  • “Set your heart free from all the heaviness simply by confessing what you had been hiding…. All the best on Confession Day to you.”


  • “The best thing that you can do to yourself is just confessing your mistakes and your love to enjoy happiness forever and ever…. Happy Confession Day.”


  • “Weak never confess, it is the virtue of the strong people…. Don’t be weak but be strong…. Have a Happy Confession Day.”


  • “Keep relations sorted and life simpler…. Keep heart happier and soul lighter…. Confess what you haven’t told… Happy Confession Day.

You can download the Happy Confession Day 2019 Quotes, Happy Confession Day 2019 Wishes, Happy Confession Day 2019 Images, Happy Confession Day 2019 Wallpapers, Happy Confession Day 2019 Pictures are given here.

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About the Author: Erin Phan

Astha Sharma Is the content writer who always passionate about her work and always try to give the best. She is keen to learn new things and implement them honestly. She has good experience in Content writing and can write in each and every topic in detail.

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