Fire Emblem: Three Houses Review – Everything You Need To Know

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Review - Everything You Need To Know

                Fire Emblem: Three Houses Review – This is one game which will require a lot of attention.  From battles to training to friendship, everything has to be managed individually and as a whole. The time that you will spend been the professor and training are units will not go waste. It is going to be a valuable time because everything that you teach will be something which you can use on the battlefield, where Everything depends on teamwork and execution.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Review

The game will begin with the introduction and your role in the game as a mercenary. After the brief introduction, there will be a battle tutorial. We are quite sure that you will not require the battle tutorial. However, it will be a good addition to your skills if you go through them. The introduction will brief you through the monasteries and the three schools. It will also introduce you to the characters of these monasteries.

Your role is that of a professor who has to train the units for battle at the end of each month. The battle takes place in a similar manner in all the three houses. The training for weapons must also be given in so that they can be used effectively during the battle. It is slightly inclined towards combat arts. This is the complexity for which the series is known for but less abstracted. This makes it easier for the player to strategize and go into depth.

Making a network during the battle will help you get closer to the character and they will spend more time in your classroom. Each and everything in the game is there is tia n form of a loop and they are connected to each other. Therefore, all the most that you take will be accommodative in nature.

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One of the biggest addition to the new game is the battalion and mini armies. You can equip them with special arms in order to make the most out of them. The battalion is a going to be very useful for the players and they will be different based on the type of battalion that you have selected. They also give a new type of attack called gambit. These game belts are limited but can be very effective when used against the right enemy. There are specific combinations of enemies and the gambits and you will have to know them down while you play the game.

There is no need to predict the future events of the game because they have already been listed down serial wise and date wise. You can simply find them located there. The efficiency increases as you level up as a professor. Activity points also help the player to track the healthiness of the month. On other days, you can simply chill out and do whatever you want. However, this is only after you have completed all the seminars and events.

Keeping you invest that in your unit is a glue of relationship that binds the entire task force. After having spent so much time on teaching the characters and helping them reach the maximum potential, you will feel proud when they win a battle for you. Hence, it is completely worth investing the time to teach lessons to the units and characters as a whole.

After a five year Gap, you will enter the war phase of the game. The games will remain the same but you will have to still teach your units about the new battle. There awesome characters which might change and this is the reason why you have to teach them again in order to make them valuable for you.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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