Earth Day 2022: Observance, Themes, Goal And Slogans

Earth Day 2019: Observance, Themes, Goal And Slogans

Earth Day 2022 Observance, Themes, Goal, And Slogans: Earth Day is a global day dedicated to earth that is celebrated every year on April 22. Globally, several events are held to exhibit support for environmental safety and protection. The day is initially celebrated in the year 1970, Earth Day now comprises of events in more than 193 countries, which are at present coordinated internationally by the Earth Day Network.

Earth Day Observance

Earth Day is the largest civic-focused day of action in the world. It is a day of administrative action and public contribution. Various activities are held on this day such as people march, sign petitions, come across with their designated officials, plant trees, clean up their towns and roads and many more.

Organizations and governments use the day to make the pledges and declare sustainability actions. Faith leaders, comprising Pope Francis, link Earth Day with guarding God’s greatest formations, humans, biodiversity and the planet that we all live on.

Earth Day Themes

Earth Day is celebrated to make the people realize and aware of the knowledge of Environmental activities. Earth Day Network who established Earth Day organizes different themes every single year. Here is the list of those:

  • World Earth Day 2020: “Climate Action.”
  • World Earth 2019: “Protect Our Species.”
  • World Earth 2018: “End Plastic Pollution Countdown to April 22”.
  • World Earth 2017: “Climate Literacy and Environment”.
  • World Earth 2016: “Trees for the managing the Earth Resources”.
  • World Earth 2015: “Green Earth, Clean Earth with Wonderful World of Water”.
  • World Earth 2014:  “Cities of Greenery”.
  • World Earth 2013: “Change in the Face of the Climate”.
  • World Earth 2012: “Earth Mobilization”.
  • World Earth 2011: “Make Air Clean”.
  • World Earth 2010: “Decrease”.
  • World Earth 2009: “How people get around”.
  • World Earth 2008: “Please Trees”.
  • World Earth 2007: “Be mindful of the Earth by starting to save resources”.
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Earth Day Theme and Goals

Earth Day Network is asking people to join the climate change campaign. The goals for this year campaign are:

  • Educate and raise awareness about the fast-tracking rate of extermination of millions of species and the reasons and concerns of this occurrence.
  • Accomplish main policy successes that guard wide-ranging groups of species as well as specific species and their habitations.
  • Construct and initiate a global movement that holds nature and its standards.
  • Inspire individual actions such as adopting a plant-based diet and discontinuing the use of insecticide and herbicide.

Earth Day 2022 Theme and Goals

Earth Day Network which is Organizing Body for Earth Day Global Event has Announced the Theme for Earth Day 2022. The These For the Worldwide Event This Year is “Restore Our Earth”. Earth Day Network (EDN) has Announced the Theme After the Consultation with the Members of the World’s Largest Network in 192 Countries.

Earth Day 2019 Posters Images Slogans Themes

Best Slogans On Earth Day 2022

  1. Every Day is Earth Day
  2. Earth day: join the fight, do what’s right.
  3. Green Earth, Clean Earth
  4. Think Green, Keep It Clean.
  5. Don’t Be Mean and Always Love Earth
  6. Save our Planet, Save Ourselves.
  7. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
  8. Conserve the earth; it is the only one we have.
  9. Save The Environment, And You Will Save The Life And Future.
  10. If Today You Will Burn Fossil Fuel Tomorrow You Might Be Fossil Under The Sea.
  11. There Is A Sufficiency In The World For Man’S Need, But Not For Man’S Greed.
  12. You Can’t Change the Past but You Can Change The Future, It’s Upon You What You Want!
  13. Only When The Last Tree Has Died, The Last River Has Been Poisoned, And The Last Fish Has Been Caught, Will We Realize That We Cannot Eat Money?
  14. We Were Born to Help the World, Not To Destroy It, Then Why We Are Destroying The Environment?
  15. Man Made Global Warming, The Biggest Scam In The History Of Man Kind To Fulfill His Greediness? Understand This Or Nature Will Teach You!
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Environmental Slogans on Earth Day –

  • Don’t cut tree, it’s like moving towards hell.
  • One chance, save the earth
  • Caring the earth is mind-blowing
  • Earth hates pollution
  • Earth is the only livable planet so just care it
  • Keep your surroundings green, make the earth green
  • Treat the Earth as you first love
  • Save the earth to save your future generations
  • Being earth lover is awesome
  • Love earth, go green and stay clean
  • Never let the future of earth to become orange
  • Health is wealth; earth is super wealth
  • Be a caring person and save the planet earth
  • Neither Mars nor Neptune, just planet Earth
  • Home is built by hearts; earth was built for homes
  • Keep the earth pollution-free
  • Care of Earth is the most profitable deed
  • Better earth means better tomorrow
  • Don’t burn yourself
  • Your good luck lies in a safe planet
  • Save earth for next birth
  • Earth is like heven , don’t make it hell.
  • Save earth and live longer
  • The best to plant a tree was twenty years ago; the second best time is now
  • Stop pollution – Stop global warming
  • Safer the planet earth healthier the life
  • Raise awareness on earth
  • Make the planet earth a green heaven
  • We can protect the earth better together
  • Raise your voice to save the earth

Earth Day Slogans Theme Images 2019

Climate Change Slogans on 2022 Earth Day-

  • Love the planet earth to spend a happy life
  • Educate your kids on the safety of earth
  • Care the planet earth to simply go green.
  • Give earth a big chance.
  • Procrastination Won’t Help the Next Generation
  • Safeguard the earth from all types of hazards
  • We Don’t Make the World Go Round, But Humans Could Break It Down
  • Keep your Earth safe from pollution
  • Let It Be Wild, Not Defiled
  • The Earth is everyone’s inheritance.
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Save Earth Slogans for Kids-

  1. Let’s go green to get our earth safe
  2. Green revolution ensures safety of earth
  3. Act like you live here
  4. East or west, earth is the only option
  5. You must keep the earth green, not gray.
  6. Save earth, say it to all
  7. Don’t panic, go green
  8. Don’t be awesome just be the lover of the earth
  9. Be amicably caretaker of the earth
  10. Smart people never hit the earth

Unique Earth Day 2022 Slogans-

  1. Without earth, living is impossible
  2. Earth is mother of Human Being
  3. Look at the Forest
  4. Yesterday we smoked the green, today we keep it clean.
  5. Don’t Make earth hell, Go Green.
  6. Nature return favor, let’s do the favor to earth.
  7. Our earth is a blessing from God.
  8. Either rich or poor; everyone needs abode
  9. Who don’t love tree’s , never feel fresh breath.
  10. There is no alternate of earth so far

Final Verdict

On Earth Day NASA Finances Educational hands-on Science Activities at Washington DC’s Union Station Every Year. However, NASA has not yet Planned the Activity Event For Earth Day 2022. the Earth Day Network has Developed a Digital Action Plan to Restore our Earth This Year. this Plan is helpful to Tackle Air Quality, Insects, Population, Plastic Pollution, and other Environmental issues in Your Area using the Earth Challange App. This Year Earth Day 2022 will Mark the 51st Anniversary of this Holiday. Happy Earth Day to All!!!

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About the Author: Prabhat Singh

Prabhat is a consistent and hard working content creator with specialization in tech and finance niche. He has more tha 3 years of experience in the field of content development and blogging. Being an introvert, the online social world has always been his preference.

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