Crackdown Is Now Officially Free Ahead Of Crackdown 3’s Launch

Crackdown app is free

The crackdown has been one of the best selling games for Microsoft since it was launched. The game is now available for free as the date for the predecessor’s launch comes closer. crackdown 3 is all set to be released by Microsoft studios on 15th February 2019. This seems to be an advanced move by the company to build a broader fan base for the game. Hence, if you haven’t yet played the game because it was paid, here is an amazing opportunity to grab the game for free.

Microsoft is now selling the game copies for free. This move comes in as the date for the launch of crackdown 3 comes closer. It is really good news for all The gamers who were wanting to play the game but couldn’t afford it. You can directly download the crackdown game from the official Microsoft studio game on your Xbox.

The crackdown was initially available only for Xbox 360. However, it soon expanded its presence to the newer versions of Xbox. Now it is available on almost all the Xbox machines. Built by the developers of game theft Auto, the crackdown is one of the most famous game. It is basically a game in which you have to know down your enemies and drive your car across the city. As you complete more and more missions, you will accumulate more power and you can buy your own house and cars.

There have been many kids who were looking to download the crackdown game for free on the device. Hence, you should not miss this opportunity and grab the game right away to enjoy the amazing features and gameplay. There is no specification about the cell which is going on the crackdown game currently. There are two possibilities for this game. One, it will be absolutely free of cost because of the predecessor coming in while the second possibility is that the game will return back to the same price after 15th February 2019.

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Crackdown 3 Release Date

Crackdown 3 is no new concept or game which is in news now. Originally, crackdown 3 game was scheduled to launch in 2017. However, the launch was delayed to September 2018. As September 2018 came closer, Microsoft studios delayed the game once again. This might be because of some technical error while testing the game in the final phase. Now Microsoft studio has officially announced that the final date of release for crackdown 3 is 15th February 2019.

Keeping the launch of this new game in mind, Microsoft is offering the initial version of the game for free on its platform. Hence, you should not miss the opportunity and play the game before the new version arrives. Those who have already played the game on their Xbox, can simply wait for 15 February and purchase the new version.

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About the Author: Naman Dhyani

Naman is a dedicated writer who is always ready to take new challenges to enhance his quality of work and efficiency. He loves to explore things until he reaches the source. He believes that his fingers are destined for the keyboard and his heart solely for the readers

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