Ascension Day 2021 Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Images, Prayers: Every year Ascension Day is celebrated with lots of faith and devotion. This Holy Day is a very important day in the Christian calendar and the day is celebrated on the 40th day of Easter Sunday. This year in 2021, Ascension Day is going to be celebrated on May 13 (Western) as well as May 24 (Eastern).
The day honors the Christian belief of the bodily Ascension of Jesus into heaven. Ascension Day also marks the moment Jesus literally ascended into heaven before his disciples, at the village of Bethany, near Jerusalem.
Here, on this Holy Day, we are giving you one of the best Collections of Happy Ascension Day 2021 Wishes, Greetings, Sayings, Prayers, Images, Quotes, SMS. So, let’s get started….
About Ascension Day
The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord or Ascension Day is the 40th Day of Easter and commemorates the Ascension of Lord Jesus into heaven 39 days after the resurrection on the Easter Sunday. Ascension Day is one of the Great solemnities in the Christian liturgical calendar and commemorates the bodily Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated on Thursday, the fortieth day of Easter. However, some Roman Catholic provinces have moved the observance to the following Sunday. The Feast is one of the ecumenical feasts, Ranking with the Feast of Passion or Easter.
Ascension Day 2021 Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Images
Jesus went away not only to prepare a place for us so that it will be ready for us as one by one we go home but to prepare us for the place, to fit us for heavenly enjoyments and heavenly service. Happy Ascension Day!
He is taken up, that He may satisfy His plan in biting the dust, and give the work of our salvation its last finishing act. Happy Ascension Day!
He is taken up from the earth and he is not dead. He entered earth on this day. This day is a very big day for our religion. This is the day we need to celebrate and make a resolution that we shall make our Christ proud by doing good deeds. Happy Ascension Day!
On this day of Jesus Christ, the principal thing we might do is to express gratitude toward him for everything. Along these lines, the first thing we have to do today is to go to chapel.
“If we are serious about dreaming our awakening into being and creating peaceful, loving earth in which the heart, spirit, and soul are the only true leaders, we must continue to keep our focus on thoughts of unity and all that truly brings us together.” ― Diane Hall
He is taken up, that He may fulfill His design in dying, and give the work of our salvation its last completing act. – John Flavel.
His Ascension denoted a phase in His disclosure, yet it just conveyed Him closer to us. To have waited among the early educates would have constrained His central goal and sequestered Him from the later Church. As the Resurrection opened the grave, the Ascension opened paradise. – Evangelis
The ascension of Elijah may be compared to the flight of a bird, which none can follow; the ascension of Christ is, as it were, a bridge between earth and heaven, laid down for all who are drawn to Him by His earthly existence. – Baumgarten.
“Islaam is the Name of the Universe. Christ is the Soul, and Abraham, the Foundation — The Rainbow At Midnight”
Happy Ascension Day 2021 SMS, WhatsApp Status
His Ascension was to make us comprehend that he exists. He is the one that is seeing everything. We should guarantee today that we might never do anything that is without wanting to. Happy Ascension Day!
The day our beloved Jesus was received upon heaven was such a great day. Let’s celebrate this day with good wishes, happiness, and love. Let’s spread love and laughter everywhere today. Happy Ascension Day!
I am so happy to reveal to you that Jesus has dependably been with us and we ought to never fear anyone since Jesus will dependably be with us. Happy Ascension Day!
Jesus left not exclusively to set up a place for us, with the goal that it will be prepared for us as one by one we go home, however, to set us up for the place, to fit us for radiant delights and grant administration. Happy Ascension Day!
Ascension Day 2021 Prayers
Prayer 1
Interchange Catholic Ascension Opening Prayer
Give us a chance to implore
[on this day of Ascensionas we watch and sit tight for Jesus’ return] Father in paradise,
our psyches were readied
for the happening to your kingdom
when you took Christ past our sight
with the goal that we may look for him in radiance.
May we take after where he has driven
what’s more, discover our expectation in his radiance,
for he is Lord until the end of time. So be it
New Saint Joseph Sunday Missal!
Prayer 2
Catholic Ascension Opening Prayer
Give us a chance to ask
[that the risen Christwill lead us to unceasing life] God our Father,
make us cheerful
in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ.
May we tail him into the new creation,
for his ascension are our transcendence and our expectation.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son
who lives and rules with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. So be it.
New Saint Joseph Sunday Missal!
Final Verdict
Ascension Day is celebrated primarily by Catholics and Anglican Christians. According to Western Christianity methods of calculating the Dates for Easter Sunday, the earliest date for Ascension Day is 13 May. Ascension Day is a Holiday in Many European countries but not in the United States of America & Canada. the Celebration of Ascension Day included processions symbolizing Lord Jesus Christ’s entry into heaven and, in some countries chasing in “devil” through the streets and dunking it in the pond or burning it in effigy – symbolic of the Messiah’s triumph over the devil when he opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers.