April Fools Day Memes 2019 Best Jokes, Messages, HD Images & Gifs: April fool is celebrated every year on the first day of April. This celebration brings fun in our lives and teaches us that sometimes we should not take this life seriously to be happy. We all get tired of our everyday life and need something which can bring fun, surprises and thrills in our life so April fools day is a perfect day for doing this. All you have to do is to prank someone. The joy of pranking someone is amazing but Be aware that jokes are harmless and don’t do pranks on strangers because it can go wrong and can make the day worst. So if you want o make it subtle her are we giving you the best images, best Gifs which you can share with your friends and loved ones. Best April Fools Day Pranks, Funny And Practical Jokes
Best April fools Pranks or Jokes Messages, Images, Gifs and more.
Earth may stop rotating;
Birds may start talking
But your brain will never start working.
‘April Fool’s Day’
A fool is a fool.
Wishing a very happy, prosperous and joyful April Fool’s Day to the King of Fools.
Believe nothing and trust no one.
Today is April Fool’s Day.
Everything has a day…
Every pet has a day…
Every fool too has a day!
Hope you might have enjoyed your day!
Happy April Fool’s Day.
April Fool’s Day has been canceled this year. But don’t worry, we will dedicate some other day for you.
You are a gorgeous, amazing, intelligent talented, caring and an understanding person. Smiling? Well, Happy April Fool’s Day!
If anyone calls you beautiful…
If anyone appreciates you for no reason…
If anyone thinks you are intelligent…
Just smile and wish the person Happy April Fool’s Day!
A – You r Attractive
B – You r the Best
C – You r Cute
D – You r Dear 2 Me
E – You r Excellent
F – You r Funny
G – You r Good-Looking
H – hehehe
I – I’m
I may forget to wish you on Diwali, Christmas or even New Year, but I will never forget to wish you on April Fool’s Day!
“You are precious to me…
I cannot live my life without you even for a minute…
You are my life and I can feel you everywhere!
Don’t put much pressure on your little brain! I am talking about oxygen.”
“There are so many tensions in this world and just one day to take a break from them….. Best wishes on April Fool’s Day to you.”
“A fool is always a fool and therefore, the date doesn’t matter….. But still, I want to wish you on April 1st a very Happy Fool’s Day!!!”
I got a severe headache last night and my doctor prescribed me to write send a stupid message to some foolish person and that’s what I just did
You are so stylish but you are also very foolish and on April 1st I want to you that you are the best foolish I know.
I feel the happiest to wish you on the most special day of your life and that is today….. May you always entertain us with your stupidity…. Happy Fool’s Day!!!