Armed Forces Day 2021: Date, Observance, Themes, History, Quotes & Sayings!

Armed Forces Day 2019: Date, Observance, Themes, History, Quotes & Sayings!

Armed Forces Day 2021 Date, Observance, Themes, History, Quotes, Sayings: A lot of Americans celebrate Armed Forces Day every year on the third Saturday of May. It is a day to honor all the men and women who serve the United States armed or military forces. In the USA, Armed Forces Day is also part of Armed Forces Week, which starts on the second Saturday of May and ends on the third Sunday of May.

When is Armed Forces Day 2021?

As in the United States, the Armed Forces Day is celebrated every year on the third Saturday of May, and this year in 2021, the Armed Forces Day is going to be celebrated on the 15th May 2021, Saturday.

Is Armed Forces Day a Public Holiday?

Armed Forces Day basically is not a public holiday. It falls on Saturday, 15 May 2021 and the maximum of the working places follow regular Saturday opening hours in the United States.

Armed Forces Day Observance

On Armed Forces Day, many events are held all over the United States in order to pay tribute and honor Americans in uniform who served their nation in times of war and peace. Those who are honored on this day are comprised of people who serve the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force as well as Coast Guard.

National Guard and Reserve units may observe the Armed Forces Day/Week over any date in May for the reason of their exceptional training programs. Events and activities might consist of:

  • Multi-service military exhibitions in localities that are open for the public
  • A number of educational events and activities are held in order to teach children about the armed forces.
  • Huge parades and other local events and celebrations
  • Few numbers of music are also played at Armed Forces Day events, comprising memorials and at cemeteries, as an approach to honor those in the armed forces who sacrificed their lives for their country. For instance, buglers have played a bugle call, acknowledged solely as Taps, on Armed Forces Day in the latest years. Taps are commonly sounded by the United States military at ceremonies or events such as flag ceremonies, memorial services as well as funerals.
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Armed Forces Day Themes

Here are some of the themes that were used for Armed Forces Day in the past years and these are as follows:

  • Appreciation of a Nation
  • Dedication and Devotion
  • Freedom Through Unity
  • Liberty
  • Patriotism
  • Power for Peace
  • Prepared to Meet the Challenge
  • Security
  • Special Opportunity for Thanks
  • Teamed for Defense

Armed Forces Day History

Louis Johnson, who was the United States Secretary of Defense, announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day on August 31, 1949, in order to substitute distinct days for Army, Navy, and Air Force. The event stemmed from the armed forces’ unification under one division – the Department of Defense. The Army, Navy, and Air Force associations accepted the newly shaped day. The Marine Corps League, on the other hand, declined to drop support for Marine Corps Day but supports Armed Forces Day too.

The first-ever Armed Forces Day was held on Saturday, 20th May 1950. On that day, the theme for the celebration was “Teamed for Defense”, which conveyed the unification of all military forces under a single government division.

15+ Armed Forces Day 2021 Quotes & Sayings-

  1. Different types of music are even played for the armed forces for giving away respect to all those men and women who lost their lives.
  2. I have never met anyone who did not support our troops. Sometimes, however, we hear accusations that someone or some group does not support the men and women serving in our Armed Forces. But this is pure demagoguery, and it is intellectually dishonest. -Ron Paul
  3. Recruitment and retention are critical to sustaining our Armed Forces with the best men and women willing to stand in the gap and make huge sacrifices to ensure our freedom. -Zack Wamp
  4. These fallen heroes represent the character of a nation that has a long history of patriotism and honor — and a nation that has fought many battles to keep our country free from threats of terror.
  5. Word to the Nation: Guard zealously your right to serve in the Armed Forces, for without them, there will be no other rights to guard.
  6. I extend my deepest gratitude to our Armed Forces and first responders serving both at home and abroad in the war against terrorism. -John Doolittle
  7. This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. -Elmer Davis
  8. He loves his country best who strives to make it best. -Robert G. Ingersoll
  9. Who kept the faith and fought the fight; The glory theirs, the duty ours. -Wallace Bruce
  10. “American soldiers in battle don’t fight for what some president says on T.V., they don’t fight for mom, apple pie, the American flag…they fight for one another.” -Lt. Col. Hal Moore
  11. “Real security lies in the prevention of war–and today that hope can come only through adequate preparedness.” -General Omar N. Bradley
  12. “Close understanding between members of our Armed Forces and members of civilian communities is most important to preserve the high level of national readiness necessary for safeguarding the free world.” -General Nathan F. Twining
  13. Word to the Nation: Guard zealously your right to serve in the Armed Forces, for without them, there will be no other rights to guard.
  14. What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight — it’s the size of the fight in the dog.
  15. These fallen heroes represent the character of a nation that has a long history of patriotism and honor — and a nation that has fought many battles to keep our country free from threats of terror.
  16. I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives.  I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.
  17. For what avail the plow or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail?
  18. Better than honor and glory, and History’s iron pen, Was the thought of duty done and the love of his fellow men.
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Final Verdict

On the Celebration of Armed Forces Day, Many People across the United States of America take place on Armed Forces Day to Honor Americans in Uniform who served their country in times of War and Peace. Those who are honored on this Day Include People who serve the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard. various types of music are also played at the Armed Forces Day Events including at Memorials and cemeteries as a way to Respect those in the Armed Forces who died for their Nation.

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About the Author: Prabhat Singh

Prabhat is a consistent and hard working content creator with specialization in tech and finance niche. He has more tha 3 years of experience in the field of content development and blogging. Being an introvert, the online social world has always been his preference.

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